Look what you did

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Nash's pov

Omg jenny I walked down the stairs to see if she was near sight but she wasn't.

"Nash what happend"

"Jenny left and she's I don't know she toled me not to call or text her tht she would be fine and I don't know what to do I don't know where she is"

"Ask cam if she whent there" carter said

Of course she would go there I grabbed my phone and called cam

Me. Hey bro is jenny there

Cam. No why what happened is she ok

Me. She left the house right now cuz she's mad at me I'll explain later

Cam ok I'll be there in a minute

"She's not with cam"

"Ask nancy" carter said

I called her friend nancy to see if she was there

Me. Hey is jenny there

Nancy no she's not what happened

Me I'll tell u later u think she is with valeria

Nancy. No valeria is whith me right now

Me thanks ttyl

Ugh where could she be

Jenny's pov

Ugh nash I was just walking I honestly dint no where to go if I whent to nancy nash would fine out to Valeria's she's with nancy I can't go to Cameron's honestly the first place he will look I know I'll go to the o2l guys house I'm friends with them but nash dosnt no I'm close to them so he'll never no. I knocked on the door and was greated by jc in a big hug.

"Jenny I missed you what happened wheres your brother"

"Got in a fight need some where to stay explain everything later enyways can I please stay here tonight please"

"Yea sure no problem but don't you think nash is worried about you"

"Honestly don't care"

I sat on the couch Kian's was playing on the wii with jc. Ricky was making a video with Andrea and then evryone eles was in the kitchen making a cooking video or sum like that. I sat on the couch and took out my phone I had like 100 messages.

Matthew😂😘. Jenny are you ok we are all worried about you just tell us where u are

Matthew😂😘. Answer me please

Matthew😂😘 just tell me your ok please

And more messages from Matt like tht

Cam😍😘💕. Bæ are u ok I'm worried

Cam😍😘💕. Please tell me your fine

Cam😍😘💕. Just tell me your fine please I need to now

Cam😍😘💕jenny I just wanna no if your ok

Hayes❤️. Sis are u ok

Hayes❤️. At least tell me your fine

Hayes❤️. You nash is worried about you to right where about to go look for you

Me. No hayes don't I'm fine ok just don't try to find me cuz you whont

And them I had some from carter and all the guys witch where kinda like matts I had more messages from nash but I just ignored them I decided to call cameron and tell him I'm ok

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