Is this reall

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Jennys pov

I walked out of his room and saw cameron" so are u like going out with jack now" he said

"First of all none of your business but no why would u care anyways you have a new girlfiend"

"Jenny what are u talking about"

"I saw you with that girl u told her you would pick it up later."

"that didn't mean anything she was a fan and when I said we will pick it up later I ment signing her shirt because I had to go shes coming to Tomorrows meet and greet on and I kisse her because she asked. But if it bothers u I whont kiss anyone"

"why would it bother me we aren't dating or anything it's your life"

"Jenny I like u ALOT and I know u like me too well at least I think and hope you do. I cant stop thinking about you i think about u every morning when I wake up. I think about you evry day. your on my mind all the time it's true. Evry day I fall for you a little more. Evry time we talk I see the sparks fly and every time you blush I fell butterfly's in my stomach you make me nervous jenny you drive me crazy. I just whant to be with you already call you my girlfriend and kiss you whenever I want"

"Cameron I like you to and that was very cheesy man😂" I said with a giggle at the end.

"will you be my girlfriend"

"Cameron don't get me wrong I really like you but we might be moving to fast but I do like u so friends for now."

"with benefits?"

"whatever helps you sleep at night."

"your so beautifull you know that right."


"well I'll tell you evry single day"

It has been a month since that day Cameron told me how he Felt about me we havent really talked about it since then we haven't really talked in generall. We where just sitting on the couch watching a movie Nash walked in with popcorn and sat down.

"Jenny can I tell u something" cam asked


"well there's this girl I like and I fell like she dosnt like me ANYMORE because I try but she dosnt even care it's like she's ignoring me she hasn't even talked to me idk what to do"

Wow Cameron likes another girl already I really thought he was into me but I guess he's over it all  those things he told me don't mean anything anymore I should of just said Yess them and there.

"wow cameron idk what to tell you but she's dumb you are a great guy and if she just dosnt see it move on"

   Canerons pov

Well Jenny told me move on so I will I'm pretty sure she nows I was talking about her so she probably dosnt like me witch is why she told me to move on.

"I will thanks" with that I left I went to mayas house and tried to get my mind of Jenny.

"hey Maya looking good today."

"thanks cam"

She caught me offgaurd and kiss my cheek and took a picture. I saw here sending it to someone I really hope she dosnt send it to Jenny. Jenny and her don't really get along Maya stoled her boyfriend so she kinda hates her. Maya always rubs things in her face.

  Jennys pov

I checked my phone and I got a text from maya.

Maya. With my bae looks like all your guys prefer me then you

I droped my phone and  I went to Nashs room and jumped on his bed"

"Jenny what's rong"

"camerons with Maya I really like him I mean I thought he new that and she stole my ex boyfriend from me."

"are you sure she's with him jenny or are you just over reacting

"No over reacting she send me a picture of them kissing. She just has to ruin my life I HATE HER!"

"Jenny its ok"

"no nash it's not okay. Okay?(fault In our stars moment ahh)

I ran out of his room an call Nancy we decided to go get starbucks.

"are you ok."

"I'm fine I mean we weren't dating or anything. It's just I don't know I thought he was diffrent. I never wanted to fall for him because I didn't want it to ruin our friendship and it did"

"I don't know what to tell you"

"it's ok I just needed to get it out"

We left and I whent to my was 6:00 and the sun was setting. I was sitting there and put my hands on my face frustrated feeling the need to cry with how upset and mad I was but j didn't then I Fellt someone's hands lifting my chin up it was cameron.

"Cameron just..."

"the girl is you"


"yes you I couldn't like anyone eles if I tried"

"but you where with Maya today"

"because... Wait how did you know."

"she send me a picture of her kissing your check"

"well I don't whant her t I only want you"

He leand in close to me and pressed his lips against mine. I could fell him smile in the kiss.

"i love you Jenny."

"I love you to cameron"

"will you please be my girlfriend"

"I wont be stupid this time so yes" I said with a giggle at the end.

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