Why would u do tht

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Candys pov

I was just  sitting there and I couldn't help but see Cameron acting all Lovy dubby with samanta I guess I was jealousy  yes I was I admit it he was kissing her but only on the cheek idk why. he was also hugging her.

"You like Cameron don't you" kian said

"is it that obvious"

"well you keep staring at him like your in love"

"well yes I do like Cameron alot but he's the one that doesn't like me he's the one that plays with my emotions he's the one that made me fell like he liked me but he doesn't. He is the one tht says he liked me but I guess he dint mean it."

"I don't think this date was a good idea you clearly like cameron so we should just stay friends for now but you should try and make him jealous so he sees what he's missing out on."

"would you help me make him jealous"


"yay thank you kian"

Me and kian walked right pass Cameron and samanta. We where holding each others hands to be a little convincing I guess.

....... A few weeks have passed since I have talked to or even actually seen Cameron since it was summer. I mean he has come to the house but whenever Nash tells me he coming over I just find an excuse to leave the house. My whole ignoring Cameron plan was working until I saw him outside my house. I was about to leave so I wouldn't have to see him but it didn't really go well. I honestly couldn't help it I just ran to him jumped into his arms wrapping my legs around his torso hugging him so tight.

"I missed you Cameron so so much"

"I missed you to jenny I'm really sorry I got mad at you for no reason and I should of know not to be so harsh especially you being so sensitive I was such a jerk to you for no reason"

"it's ok can we just be friends again please"

"ofcourse Jenny" he said pulling out of our hug

"so how are things going with you and you know who?"

"we broke up"

"what why you two where so cute. Nah you know what can't even lie"

"oh Jenny and the Friday of the week we started going out"

"what why thoee?"

"because I didn't like her I liked someone eles"

"oh so who do u like"

"you'll find out on your own"

"What is that supposed to mean"

"you will see now let's go inside'

Cameron always told me everything he always told me who he liked who he didn't. She must be pretty special for him not to want to tell me I guess. we walked inside the house and cameon said hi to Nash.

"did you guys finally make up"Nash asked us

"yes we did actually" I said Answering his question

"good so your dating now"


I decided I wanted to do something beside be in my room all day so I decided to call Nancy and Valeria to hang out with them. We decided to go to Starbucks and then mc Donalds. We walked to Starbucks order our drinks then started walking to mc Donalds we orderd our food then sat down to eat.

"so did u and Cameron make friends?" Nancy asked

"yes we did now tell me about u and my brotha"

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