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Cameron's pov

I was with Jenny and I couldn't help it I just kissed her and she kissed back.

"What are you guys doing" nash said

"Nun of your buissnes nash" Jenny said holding my hand

"Um well actually it is because I just saw my sister kiss my best friend"

"First of all he kissed me" Jenny said

"Yes but you kissed back dint you"

"Yes I did because I like cameron ok. now excuse me I have some wood to diliver" she said walking away leaving me alone with nash.

"Are you really mad at me" I said

"No I'm actually glad except just don't hurt her"

"I wont but we aren't even going out yet nash"

"I know but I know her and I know u and the Matt thing is just temporary she likes you" he said walking away

Jenny's pov

I went back to the camping site and sat down next to carter.

"What happened. Omg did u kiss cameron"

"Shhh shut up I did how did you know"

"I didn't" carter said

"Wow I hate you"

"No you don't but did you like it better then when u kissed Matt"

"Carter how did you no I kissed Matt"

"I didn't you just confessed it to me but did you"

"Yes I did is that bad"

"Not even that just helps you figure out who you like more"

"So does that mean I like cameron more😕"

"What did you fell when you kissed Matt and what did you fell when you kissed cameron"

"I don't know when I kissed Matt it fellt special... But when I kissed cameron I fellt sparks I no it sounds chessy but I did😍💞"

"Then go for cameron just do it"

"Oh so I heard you liked nancy"

"Yes I do who toled you"

"No one you just did"


"Hey I learned from the best😂"


"So you really like her"

"Yes I do she's different from other girls she's special"

"Then ask her out u big stupid."

"What if she dosnt like me"

"Trust me she does"

I was just sitting there then I saw Matt walked over to me.

"are you going out with Cameron now I saw u to kiss"

"no wtf no well not yet enyways"

"you like him huh"

"yes I do Matt im sorry"

"it's ok I just whant u happy"

"omg thanks Matt see this is why I love u"

"I know I'm really cool"

"haha ok matt"

"now go get him"

I was laughing at his moment and just sat next to Cameron during the campfire.

"you look beautiful today jenny"

"thank you Cameron but I'm coverd in dirt" I said giggling

"uea but u still look beautiful" Cameron said

Wow did he like me to or was he just tring to be nice well I mean he did kiss me. But then again maybe he regrets it. I mean look at me he could have anyone why would he whant me. Ugh boys no one understands them.

    Camerons pov

Jenny looked so beautiful she looked like she wa lost in her thoughts. I mean I am lost In my thoughts to thinking about her. All I could keep thinking was if it was true did she really like me like she told Nash she did. Well Maybe she just said it so he wouldn't be mad at me. I don't know I really like her. Ugh girls I just wanna no if she likes me to.



"I have Been calling u for the past minute what are u thinking off" Jenny said

"nothing much..." just thinking off u

"So your thinking off me"

"oh did I say that out loud"

"yes u did"

She walked away from me an whent to go talk to carter so I decided to go on twitter I was surprised I got wifi I saw a tweet from Jenny which said.

@Jenny_: my baby looks so fine today well he don't know he's my baby but he is😂

I couldnt help but think I was really hooping it was me but I'm pretty sure she was talking about matt.

  Jennys pov

We where all ready to sleep so we had to share inflatable beds with someone.

"I'll share with candy" Matt and cam said at the Sam time which made me laugh

"no she's sharing with me" Nash said

"why do I have to share with my brother huh"

"because your a girl there boys I don't know there intentions with you witch better not be bad ones. I don't know what they will do when we are all sleeping."

"Nash why you worrying gosh fine I'll share with u"

"I care because your my little sister and camerons older then u. And then Matt we don't know what's on his mind."

"oh god u act like I'm gonna get a hicky or something while your sleeping why You so worried Cameron already..."


"im just kidding. But dayum I'm sharing a bed with no one Theres an extra I get that one Nash cuddle with Hayes and Matt and Cameron u guys cuddle and good night.

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