Run away

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Matts pov(shoker😂)

I see jenny run up the stairs so i quickly go after her along with nancy valeria wasnt there she was on Tour with shawn.

"Jenny baby are you ok"

"No matt my brother and boyfriend just kiss. i mean if nadh is gay i suport him but him kiss my brother😭"

"Its ok jenny i know this is hard"

"What if cam ends up liking nash"

"Well ema i dont know "hat to say" nancy said

"Well in here for you in whatever you need"

"Me to" nancy said

"Can we leave and go somewere eles i dot. Whanna be here roght now"

"We can go to my house"nancy sais "no ones there so... matt you can come to"


"Jenny graves some of her clothes and i just grave my


"So whats the plane jenny"

"Well we spend the night at her house tonight then ill find where to stay"

"Well my flight does leave tommorow you can cone with"



Jennys pov

We arruve at nancys house and matt slepped on the floor i just sleeped in nancys room.

We woke uo the next morning and whent to the air port i payed for my tiket and the plane ride wasnt that long we arrived at his house and his parents wherent there. we sat on the couch and i checked my phone.

Most of my messages where of cam and matt and some from jack j.

JJ💙. Im sorry i dint think he would actually do it

JJ💙. Can i atleast no wher you are at i whont tell just making sure you ok

Me. Dint worry im fine and im at matts house dont tell please.

JJ💙. I whont

We decided to go uostairs and just get ready fir bed.

"Ill take the floor tou can have the bed" matt said

"No ill take the floor" i say

"No your taking the bed"

"No its your bed im not taking it im sleeping on the floor got it"

"Fine but i guess im sleeping on the floor with you then."


Cams pov

Oh god nash kissed me and i liked ot i really really liked it but i like girls. i like jenny... oh no jenny she probly hates me im just worried bout her where is she i saw jack was texting jenny

To jenny: i whony

"You whint what"

"Nun of your buisness"

"Yes it is yiu no where she is tell me"

"I cant sorry"

Ugh i messed up i walk outside and i see nash sitting there crying.

"Baby whats rong". Dd i just call him baby

"I messed up i kissed you and your my sisters biyfriend"

"Baby it ok can i tell tou something"


"I liked the kiss"

"You did i did to can but your dating my sister"

"I know"

Matts pov🚘

I was avout to fall asleep when i heard jenny cry into her pillow.

"Jenny its ok"

"If nash really likes cam and cam likes him to im just gonna back of it hurts but😭😭😭"

"Its ok princess"

"Wow matt i guess im not ment for relation ships all my brake ups have bin bad and you no that because i tell you evrything."

"Jenny youll find the right one i no you will your so beautifull and eny guy would kill to be with you."

"You no the only nice relation ship i think i have ever had was with you and that wasnt even a real relationship but who would fell luck to be with someone like me"

"I would"

Duddle update yasss they are a bit short but twice a day huh

Yall like where im hoing with this all these plot twists.

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