I dont know

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Jenny's pov👑

I woke up the next morning and I saw carter on the floor I quickly got out of bed and jumped on top of him to wake him up. "Carter ma boo wake up💙"

"5 more minutes"

"No wake up now"

I got up and whent to the bathroom to get ready and when I got out I braved my phone to see I had missed text from cameron.

Cam😍💟💕. Babe I need to talk to you

Cam😍💟💕. Babe please answer me this is important

Cam😍💟💕 please answer me babe did I do something to you are you mad at me

Me. Really did you do something well duhh I saw u kissing maya

He responded in like 2 seconds

Cam😍💟💕 no she kissed me

Me. Sure she did

Cam😍💟💕. I swear I don't like her I like you look outside your window

I looked out the window and climed to my ceiling and saw cameron

."what do you whant😒"

"To be with you to tell you the truth she came up to me and kissed me that's what I whanted to tell you why would I be lying to you"

"Why wouldn't you"

"Because I love you because your the love of my life that's why I wouldn't be lying to you"

"I don't know cam"

"Jenny listen to me I would never do eny thing to hurt you. It would kill me If I was the reason for you to be sad jenny I whant to be the one to make you smile not cry please belive me"

"I don't no cameron"

"You no what fine I'll leave you alone for now but don't think I whont try to win you back again"


Cameron left and I could see his is watery I fellt horrible I decided to go to his house and see him to make sure he was ok. I mean I was mad at him but I still liked him. I knocked on his door and his mom answerd she let me and said he was upstairs so I ran upstairs to his room.

Cameron's pov💚

I whent home she dint belive me ugh I hate maya she always ruins things I really like jenny no I love her I ugh I always find a way to mess things up I whent to my bathroom and saw a blade(I do t know I taught it spies things up😂) I have never cut I mean I was close to doing it one time but jenny stopped me I promised her I would never cut but I just fell so tempted to right now. I graded the blade and was debating weather to do it or not them I saw jenny walked in.

"Cameron no you promised me you would never cut"

"Why are you here u don't even belive me you don't even care about me"

"But I do I belive you I know you would never hurt me and I do care about you witch is why I don't whant you to do that."

"I'm sorry jenny" I was tring to hold back my tears but I couldn't

"It's ok cam it's ok" she said while patting my back "I love you" Did she say tht or was I imagining it i mean she was mad at me. "I said it cam I love you" oops thinking out loud again

"I love you to"

My day consisted of being with her😍💟💕❤️ and it was perfect we just layer there and watched movies all day.

"Jenny so are we back together?"

"I guess... Omg I have to go its like 12:00" omg nash is gonna be mad

I ran out of Cameron's house because it really wasn't far away it was like 4 houses down😂 I arrived and nash was looking at me like he was staring down my soul with devil eyes👀👺 he looked mad.

"Jenny where the hell where you I called you like a million times and you never answerd" a million not even he only called 30 times

"I was well at a friends house"

"Why dint you tell me I was worried"

"I FOGGOT gosh I'm not a baby I'm just one year younger then you so Jesus calm down and let me live my life in peace✌️" I swear nash is so annoying

I walked upstairs to my room and Matt came behind me.

"What do you whant Matt"

"I just whant to check on you why are you so mad"

"Because nash can do whatever the F he whants and I don't say shit. Hayes can come home like at 3:00 in the morning he dosnt say shit even if hayes dosnt text him he's not my dad not even my parents are like that with me especially since there never home."

"He worry a about you he's your big brother and your his little sister I would worry to. I mean I was worried your like a sister to me my lil sister like you could have texted"

"So you on his side now I see everyone's against me"

"No jenny Im just saying what if you where him and you had a little sister and she came home late without tellin him here she was wouldn't you be worried tht something happened to her"

"I guess I'll talk to him later thanks Matt"

"Your welcome"

Matt left the room and I was about to go downstairs when nash walked in.

"Nash what do you whant"

"I'm sorry jenny it's just I worry about you"

"You worry about me don't even say tht because you don't....."

"I do jenny I..."

"No nash you don't yea somethimes your here when I need to talk to you bit not always Matt and carter are more like brotheres then you'll ever be... And your like 2 rooms down somethimes I need my brother BUT YOUR TO BUSY FOR ME CARTER AND MATT ARE NEVER BUSY FOR ME CAMERONS NEVER BUSY FOR ME THEY MAKE TIME FOR ME NOT LIKE YOU EVER DO WICH IS WHY I DONT GET YOUR STUPID 'I worry about you' CUZ YOU NO DAUM WELL U DONT NOW GET OUT MY ROOM"




"Fine is this what you whant ok I'm out don't even bother calling or texting me I'll be fine without your help I always am enyways" with that I climed out my window and left


Bum sorry it's short I whanted to make a Clift hanger ahh

What will happen?

Where will she go?





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