Chapter 14- Dream or reality

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Ella's POV

Knock. Knock. That must be Sammy, Mr Grey's driver.
I hear yet another knock at the front door as I hurry to the door after having given Lena a goodbye hug. She wouldn't let me go.

"Good morning Ms Laurence" Mr grey driver, Sam greeted opening the door for me to take my seat.

"Good morning Sam,please call me Ella."

Sam is my boss's driver, he is around his mid forty and he has bring doing this work since Mr Grey was a child. He has a family and he really is a good Man.
"Mr Grey is waiting for you at the airport." Sam spoke

"Thank you Sam, then will you please step on it." I beg

"I don't want his wrath this early morning."i added when Sam raise his eye brows at me through the rare view mirror but didn't utter a word.

When we gets to the airport Sam help me to put my things inside the plane. It is a private plane and very beautiful. It Has everything you can imagine kitchen, living room, bedroom and it look so breathtaking.

After I thank and goodbye Sam I take slow steps into the plane whiles taking time to admire it. There is only Mr Grey. I guess that's the perks of a private plane right.

" Good morning sir." I greets him

"Good morning." He responds

"If you came with the files, can we go through it."

"Of course." I sat down on his left side and I take the said files from my bag.

And I though I was going to get some little sleep here before we get busy but man was I wrong? I didn't sleep much the previous night because I had quite some files to complete before today since those files are needed for the meetings. The trip was initially scheduled for next week so the reports and files weren't ready. I had to burn the night candles.

We are done with the detained discussion of the files now.

"What should I get you for breakfasts Sir? One flight attendant ask Mr Grey.

" sandwich will do, it that okay with you or you will like something different." He ask me

"No, that will be fine by me."

"You seem to be okay with flights." He voiced out of no where. We are having our sandwich while Mr Grey try to start a conversation with me

"Yeah. That is because I did travel a lot at my formal workplace." after some more questions and answers about my formal job we are both silent again

"you never told me why you left that job." He asked suddenly out of no where when the conversation seem to be dying down

What do I say

Think Ella, think.

"I just needed some change." I lied.

"You know you are pretty good for someone who have no business administration or Secretarial background." He compliments

"Thanks you sir, I try." After the little conversation about my formal job, my head start to spin and become heavy whiles my eyes threaten to close. I gave up and close my eyes for a little while.

My head seem to be resting on something hard yet warm. It feels safe and comforting and I don't want to be detached from it. It feels good, I feel something soft moving more like tracing my cheeks sending a shiver down my spine. it is warm and refreshing... And yet again some nice smell like a Cologne.

I open one eyes but to my surprise my head is resting on something ..someone's chest and that person is none other than my boss. I jerk my head up and came to face with his bright green eyes staring at me.

Oh so was it a dream or reality?

I fall asleep. For how long?

"Sorry sir, I think I fell asleep for a while there." I apologize

"Don't worry, you didn't do anything wrong. You seem exhausted earlier so it was much needed and more over we will be busy when we step down from here. " Mr Grey explain

"Come on there is a car waiting for us."

I turn round in search of my things but it was no where to be found.

"You things are already in the car, let's go." He might have noticed me turning in search of my things

We lodge into a five star hotel. My room is right beside his. In case of anything I guess. I assess the interior of the en suite when I step inside. There is a queen size bed neatly lay with pillows on it, the walls are painted light green with traces of blue in it. There is a small table by the bed which has a lamp on it. There is also the bathroom with all the things one could need in there. Then the dresser, wow this place is beautiful and spacious.

I unpack my things, took a much needed long shower and lay down to relax since the meeting wasn't until two hours. I also made sure to called and inform Lena and Ed that I have arrived safely.


Hi! Love. I'm so sorry for the late updates, it was due to situations beyond my control.

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