Chapter 19- I'm sorry

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Ella's POV

Hey! Are you done yet? I read the message entering my phone from my boss.

Yeah, I will meet you outside in the car. I message him back

Okay, I will see you there then.

I gab my purse on the table and kept my phone inside also taking a quick look at myself again in the vanity mirror.

I think I'm okay and good to go. I'm wearing the red knee-length dress that John picked for me.
It's quite simple but I like it. I complement it with a black high heel matching my hair which I'm wearing like that, open and neatly brushed and for the make-up, I only used eyeliner and nude lipstick.

I took another glare at myself before exiting the room.

I enter the elevator and before the door could, Someone stop the elevator from closely with a hand. Mr. Grey walks in looking handsome as always in his black suit. The scent of his Cologne took over immediately.

"Hi" he greeted whiles his bright light green eyes scan my appearance from head down

"Hi" I responded taking my eyes away from him.
This was getting embarrassing and uneasy for me.

"You look.... amazing " he finally gasps with a smile causing me to smile as well.

"Thank you Mr grey." I beam blushing hard.

" Is Ashton for you from now on?" he said much calmer than I expected. I thought he will be mad. Earlier he was just being nice and I was rude.

I should apologize but how do I put it.

"I'm so-" we both said at the same time. He looks at me and smiles and I mimicked him too smiling

"go on". He said

" No Mr grey you say yours first" I rebut

"Oh sorry, I forgot." I apologize when he raises his eyebrows at me for addressing him by his last name.

"Ladies first," he said.

" I'm sorry about earlier. " I mumbled almost like a whisper. That I didn't want him to hear.

"I was about saying that too. I shouldn't have snapped at you. I'm sorry Ella." He apologizes

"Guest we are on the same pace then" I chuckled nervously.

"yes, we sure are". He opened the car's door for me to get in.

"Thank you," I mumbled taking the passenger's seat whilst we drive to the venue of the party.

We arrived at the venue of the party minutes later. 

Mr. Greg opened the door for me. Again oh he is actually been such a gentleman today, more like since we got here I must admit, that the new gentleman that he is, is easy to be with than the arrogant and rude boss that he was at first.

Mr. Henry welcomed us and proceeded to introduce us to his businessmen at the party. The place looks full of pupils dress in expensive dresses and jewelry. My dress looks quite simple to fit into their elegant dressing.

As they continued with the introduction I slip away to the bar to get a drink for myself. Drinks do work magic at times and that's what I need now.

"What do I get you, pretty," the bartender said.

"Anything nice." He turns away and starts mixing things offering the drink to me when he is done.

"Thank you," I said taking the drink from him. He winks at me smiling. I smile weakly at him moving from him to take a seat at the far right.

"Hey!" John's voice came behind me.

"Hey yourself."

"I was looking for you all over the place," he said.

"oh!". We got talking and talking, getting to know each other and all. Got to some time the conversation was going sexual.

I think the drink has started its magic with John already. I thought


" there must be something wrong with my eyes, I can't seem to take them off you." John flirts leaning towards me with his brown eyes staring at my lips.

He is leaning in...

He is getting really close that I can feel his breathe which smell of alcohol.

Till his lips are almost about touching mine...


I really appreciate your support for MTB, but I would be happier if you could press the star (vote) at your  left bottom  corner *pout* and your comments are most welcome too

dedication go to ola4477, hook-free, Daisylinkz for adding MTB to their reading lists.

Much love


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