Chapter 37 Crashed dream

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Ella's POV

"Good morning love, did you sleep well?" he breathes, in a hoarse voice placing a kiss on my lips.

"Good morning. And yes I had a lovely sleep. Just a little sore but I'm okay " he excused himself and disappeared into the bathroom, coming out shortly after.

"Hey! Put me down! I have two healthy legs! " I Screamed and kicked when he came back and took me bridal style walking to the bathroom without saying anything.

"I can help you undress" he chuckled when I stood there staring at the water that he had run for me.

He held my waist and draw me closer. "I'm still waiting for an answer" he whispered, gentle biting my earlobe.

"Ash.." I moaned his name.

"Yes, love-" he slips a hand inside the opening of the robe, gently massaging my nipple making me moan harder this time."- answer me " he added, His light green eyes burning with desires. How was I suppose to disagree when only his hand could make me moan like he was inside me. I lowered my gazes from his tantalizing obs to his pink lips. As if he knew my answer from the way I mentally fuck him with my eyes, he crushed his lips with mine and...

"Oh my God Ella! You are still in the shower. You are unbelievable." Lena's shouted waking me from my sleep and dream.

That was one hell of a dream!

Because such can only happen in my dreams.

I wish it was real though!

I wish this morning was this special. I have imagined how my first sex would be like and he bypassed my imaginations but the morning after, I sure never imagined it before but I'm sure if I did, it wouldn't include sneaking
Out like a thief.

I stepped down from the bathing tub and wrapped a towel before coming out to join her in the bedroom.

"Eddie called, said your phone was off, why would you off your phone?

" I didn't. The battery is dead"

"Let's say I believe you. Why didn't you charge it, then" her eyes flipper to the phone lying on the bed instead of being on charge

" um. I was in a hurry to take my shower" I lied.

"Right!" she said looking anything but convinced

"Well, he said to be ready by seven. Something about a surprise or something like that" trust Lena to forget things like it is so normal to do. Like how can she even forget things that easily! I can wander till tomorrow.

"Oh my God Eddie, I have missed you so much!" I gushed hugging him tightly as my life depended on it.

"I missed you more El and I'm sorry I have just been busy with a certain case but don't worry, it is done now and I'm here "

I shook my head "it's okay I totally understand. Now, where is my surprise? "

"Come on I will take you" we goodbye to Lena and walked out. Before I could open the door, Eddie reached for the handle, covering my eyes with his other hand. "What - " what are you doing. I wanted to say but "- shhh come on" he pulls me and guides me as we walk. I followed him. He removes his hand from my eyes and... Oh my God. Standing in front of me was a brand new Audi 8. "Wow!" that was the only word I could get out. This is awesome!

"Come on, we will be late." joke promised that I would be his first ride if he buys his dream car. I'm glad to see he wasn't just joking around.

He opened the door for me and closed it when I got comfy inside. After a ten minutes ride, we arrived at a five-star restaurant. The inside of it was breathtaking with couples gazing lovely at each other. I grasped with sparkling at the table we walked to, which happen to be in a private section with a few couples around.

"I wanted to make up for all the time I haven't been there with you" he apologized and I wave him off.

Dinner was fun with Eddie talking non stop about all the weird things he had to do for information about a case or cracking jokes

"So what have you being up to lately?" how am I to answer this question?

screwing my boss!

That is what I have been up to but I'm not going to tell him that!

"Do you remember the bet we made last year?" I asked. He responded almost immediately "of course! I would never forget that"

"Okay!" I whisper yelled hesitantly before adding " so... I won" We used to tease each other which gave birth to the bet.

The thing is, Eddie never had a girlfriend, something he claims he hadn't found 'the one' yet and I too have never had sex, because of a similar reason; I haven't found someone I trust enough to allow that person to break my virginity, not even my then-boyfriend, James. The bet was whoever succeeds first, the loser owns him/ her three favors. he/she would grant three wishes or favors without questions asked.

"Gracious Lord!" he exclaimed
"who are the lucky guys? You must like him a lot" the last past wasn't a question but a statement.
"Yeah I do but I'm not sure he feels the same," I said gazing down.

"Hey!" I raised my head. "Anyone would be lucky to have you"

I murmured a thank you to him, scanning the place for something to busy my eyes with. My eyes landed on something.. No someone! I thought my eyes might be playing tricks on me, but nothing changed when I blinked my eyes. I instantly regretted the idea of busying my eyes. The sight in front of me took the life out of me. They were just two tables from us, how did I not see them before now.



I deserve to die! I know. One, for such an unusually long delay in updating. and two, I'm leaving you on a cliffhanger! A freaking cliffhanger!! I'm so sorry, but I had to. I just couldn't let it slip😂😂


I want to thank you guys for the undying love and support you've shown this book. It has reached 20k + can you believe it!

Thank you! Thank you!! Thank you!!!

I promise to update soon!!

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