Chapter 27- Glimpse of the past

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Ella's POV

When I saw uncle Bill the other day at the meeting. I was more than happy, I was elated.

Bill was dad's best friend and my favourite among dad's friends. They grew up together and went the the same school. He didn't have a wife and never thought of actually getting married, but he loves children and that is where I came in. He treated me like his own daughter. I remember when I was a kid, I used to cry and I did it a lot! But only he could cooed me to stop in no time. I would have sleepovers at his place because of how he would pamper me. Seeing him the other day I still felt like a child when I wrapped my arms around him in a tight hug. I missed him so much like I misses someone. I small potion of my mind whispered but I just ignored it. That is what I have being doing all this years. I ignore anything that has to do with my past, anything that Will make me remember the things I try to forget.

When mum passed away uncle Bill was there for me, us. He organized everything when I and dad were too shocked and in pain to do anything.

When it got harder and harder for me to live in that house. I couldn't bear to watch the silent remains of what was my home, our home. I couldn't watch everything shatter in front of me and yet I could do nothing.

I just disappeared one day when I felt I couldn't take it any longer. That was easier than staying in the same house with him

Over the years I have locked all those memories deep deep down me, it hurts so much to think of anything about my past. So it is safe down there where no body can reach, where I wouldn't allow anyone access not even my self.

I haven't thought of meeting anyone from my past, but deep down I knew that if I did I most likely wouldn't be happy to see them I thought I wouldn't be happy to see a part of the things ( people) I am running away from. And I really wanted to be angry, sad or anything but happy, yet I couldn't hold back the wide grin that left my lips when i was alone with Bill after the meeting.

"Hey! your ride is here." Lena said narrowing her eyes at me then added "are you sure you don't want me to come with you? She questioned with her eyes dancing with concern.

"yes. Very! I will be fine" I assured her putting my hands on her shoulder "and I will call you if anything" I continued as she visibly relax.

"do have fun" she wave when I was seated in the black SUV car

"and don't forget to call me if anything okay?"

"Yes mum" I yell causing the driver to Laugh with me

"She cares" the driver, John spoke after we settled back from the laughter and drive in silence.

"Yes" I whispered. Lena has been like an elder sister to me even though we are the same age. She acts motherly if need be. At the beginning I thought it was pity except I hadn't told her about mum yet and when I finally did her motherly instincts as she will like to call it always kicks in now and then. I was okay with it since she wasn't pitying me. She was concern most of the time. Growing up on her own with nobody to support her made her mature more than her age.

When John pulled up to our destination, I tried to relax and enjoy this dinner. Tried is the key word. I was nervous. John got down and opened the door for me. I murmur a thank you before getting out as well. I saw Bill walk towards us from the front door " he is as nervous as you are, just relax" John whisper near my ear so only I could hear. I relax after hearing him offering him a thankful smile.

"Hey!! Princes" Bill hug me, tight.
"Sorry I couldn't pick you up" he apologizes still holding me tight like he didn't want me to slip away,... again.

I try opening my mouth but nothing came out. he beat me to it speaking before I could formulate anything to say. "I missed you, princess" he whispered into my ear. His voice had a lot of emotions in it and I could not make them out but yeah I didn't miss the longingness in it and his hug, he poured his all in it. The hug said it all. Like he is meeting his long lost daughter after a century. Bill is one of rare species of a man who shows his emotions unlike the many that I know of. "I missed you too, a lot" and it's true I did missed him.

"Pardon my manners, this way" he let go at last ushering me inside his house. I could use some air in my lung. That hug took the air in me. I in healed the fresh breeze hitting me from the right side of the house.

"This place is amazing " the house was simple from outside but the inside was wonderfully designed.

We had dinner whiles catching up on everything. The food was delicious.uncle Bill is an amazing chef if I haven't filled you in on that. He cook delicious and mouthwatering dishes.

"Ella" I lift my head to meet uncle Bill's eyes which were already on me. He calls me by my name when he want to say something important or when he is angry or mad at me, yet as he took my name I didn't know which of them it was. I stare at his eyes. This is the moment I drifted. "mmm" I mumbled scarce of what he will say next. I waited the whole night to hear it. I knew it was just a matter of time. I wasn't ready to talk about that, I wasn't ready to revisit my Excruciating past. Yet a tinny bit of me deep down wanted to have this conversation.

Cliffhanger!!!! This chapter have a perfect cliffhanger ever! Hope you like it. This is my personal favorite chapter, I have waited so long and now it is finally here. I was emotional, when I was writing it because it gave insight into Ella's dark past which I know you've waited long to get a hang on. Don't worry more of it will be coming up soon.

what you think of this chapter.

QOTD: what do you think Uncle Bill wanted to ask Ella? Leave a comment, I would love to hear your thoughts on that.

I think it's a little sad. What do you think?

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