Chapter 16- strange feelings

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Ashton Grey POV

I grumpily walk back into my en suite. She didn't even realize I was mad at her. Of course how could she?

She was busy acknowledging the lustful gazes John was giving her back in the meeting, enjoying it perhaps. She is so clueless and innocent. Always confident and professional.

Since the first day when I step out of the elevator that day, I can't seem to shake her beautiful figure off of my head. She is not my type. I had thought back then but this girl is always in my mind. I even hang out with different ladies over the weeks but she is still the one messing with my head.

But why? I don't even have an answer to that question. I don't know why I get mad at her for acknowledging another man's gazes. What is wrong with me? I'm not usually that person who pay heed to emotions and feelings.

Back in the plane, I had pull her into my shoulder when she hit her head with my shoulder. It felt nice having her head on my shoulder and her hand resting on my chest. It took all in me not to capture her plump rossy lips with mine. I couldn't help but caress her baby soft and angelic face with my finger. She was smiling like she was having a good dream. She was so damn beautiful with that smile on her face.

When the plane finally landed. She was still sleeping so peaceful that it drift my heart to wake her up. I kept staring at her sleeping form.

She jerks her head away from my shoulder leaving me empty. The comfy feeling was now missing.

"I'm sorry sir, I might have fallen asleep for a while there." She apologize. Yes she says sorry about everything she does, even when she hasn't done anything wrong. And did she say for a while. This girl sleep through almost the whole journey here and she called it a while.

"Don't worry, you didn't do anything wrong. I added to sound professional -you seem exhausted earlier and it was much needed and more over we will be busy when we step out of here" I was calm because I know she doesn't like it when I shout at her.

I do scare her but the first few weeks I wanted her to create that line between us. I may be 25 but, I have had my experiences.

After my formal personal assistant retired, she worked for my dad and then me so she was pretty old. She retired when she couldn't give the company her maximum and I was glad I didn't have to make her.

She was a good women always looking out for me. After her I hire and fired three others within four months. They could not draw the line between us and either kept flirting with me or with my clients. I didn't have an option than to have each of them fired when that happened.

I didn't have an option than to have each of them fired when that happened because that wasn't healthy for the company. I didn't want any of those stupid behaviours in my company, so I wanted to make sure she wasn't like the others

And now that, that is confirmed I started being nice and polite to her. I realised she was different from the others, nothing like them. She never try anything silly with me. She is so innocent, unique in her own small ways which she don't seem to realise herself.

A knock on the door brought me back from all those thoughts running in my head. Ella walk into the room. Her scent taking the whole place, including me.

I compose myself and then ask her in my signature bossy voice "Yes Ella what is it."

" Mr Adams wants to know when you will be free for the meeting. " she inform looking smart even in her casual wears. "You are free this Friday after lunch, I wanted to confirm whether that's okay with you if I should schedule the meeting for late afternoon after lunch." She ask

"Yes please go ahead, that's fine with me. Thank you." I response. There is this feeling of wanting to keep her near me, in this room with me alone. I don't know what is it but it feels nice having her around me, by my side What more is there to discuss in order to keep her here and talking. I thought scratching my neck.

But what is this feeling of wanting her near me all about.

It's nice though.

Do I have anything for her?

Dedicated to @delleaw1965 for adding MTB to her reading list. Keep supporting MTB.
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Much love


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