Chapter 36 - What If..?

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Ella's POV

I open my eyes slowly and realized that I wasn't in my room.
This bed was bigger and softer. The second thing I realize was that I wasn't alone on the bed, but in the arms of someone and that someone was no other than my boss. I freaked out, slowly moving his entangled arm from me. Memories of last night flooding my mind. I gave in to my boss.

My freaking boss!

"What was I thinking? What if he fires me because he doesn't want to see my face again after having his way with me? I'm screwed. So now I have to start looking for a new job again. I quickly picked my dress from the floor and got dressed as quickly as lighting and I was out of the house in a flash.

While Outside, I gave Lena a call to come to pick me up but she didn't pick up. Maybe she was still in bed because it is just seven in the morning. I called a taxi.


"why are sneaking in?" Lena asked scaring the living daylight out of me. This is surely not good. I'm embarrassed enough already, now I have to face Lena.

"Em... I wasn't. I wasn't sneaking in, why would I do that? This is my house" I whisper yelled.

"You and your boss huh?" "it's about time " she winked at me and my face begins to heat up.

How did she even know? 

"Spillllll" she yelled dragging me and sitting us both on the couch.

There is no escape, is there? I can hardly hide anything from her anyway so I told her everything, from the little kisses, the party and how I ended in his house, about last night, and how I freaked out when I woke up this morning in his arms thinking of if he fires me. "

"Ella, look at me. You did not do anything wrong and he is not going to fire you okay," she said calmly and I just nod.

I visibly relaxed after her encouraging words, still freaking a Little on the inside and she went overboard to tease me.

"I thought I would never see this day." she grins.

"Hey! You are not helping, you are supposed to make me feel better, you know " I question her sighing heavily and sinking deep into the couch

"If this makes you any better, I do know you guys like each other but you are just afraid to admit it just... Yet. So I don't think it is a big deal. "

"Well...thanks. I need a shower." once in my room, I dial Jack's number.

"Hey, can you get someone to cover for me? Please "

"Yeah .why?

"I'm feeling sick. Thanks. I will see you tomorrow "I concluded and hang up before he could start with any interrogations. I turn off my phone and sunk into the water. This is going to be a long bath but I needed it.

Ashton's POV

I stretch my arms to embrace her only to feel it empty. My hands may be playing tricks on me or she is in the bathroom or perhaps she rolled down the bed" I thought opening my eyes. The bed was empty. Her clothes were gone and so was she. I dialed her number and it went strength to voicemail. I guess I will just see her at work then. I murmured to myself checking the time. Almost nine. Damn! I'm late for the office. I scramble out of bed and rushed into the bathroom.

I run down the stairs looking fleshly showered in my usual office wear.

"Not today Margret. Why didn't you wake me up? I'm late for work" I snapped at Margret who was walking up to me, before she could utter a word, she probably wanted to talk about breakfast

"I tried but I guess you had a good night and wouldn't budge, and as for been late, perks of being the CEO right!" she joked but I walked out ignoring her joke completely because  I'm in no mood for jokes.

Whiles in the car, my mind wondered about Margret's accusation. Yeah, I did had a good night. Maybe more than good if I'm being truthful. I haven't slept soundly in a while. I think having her in my arms was calming and... Sweet. I was hoping to wake up with her still in my arms but... Well, we don't get all we want. Do we?  I will see her soon, right? I got down and walk toward my elevator.

The first thing I noticed when I step foot outside the elevator and into my office floor was that Ella wasn't in yet. Jack's assistant walked up to me.

"Good Morning sir, I will be covering  for miss Lawrence today-"

"Why"  I barked couldn't wait for her to finish. She shouldn't just absent herself because of last night. She should learn to separate work from personal matters.

"Mr. Mills said she wasn't well." I walk past her into my office. Whiles comfortably seated on my chair, I pull out my mobile phone to call her again. Same old same old: It went to voicemail. I'm a little disappointed. I thought I was the reason she intentionally didn't come, turned out I was wrong.

I went through the day quite pissed, I felt like something was missing, more like...someone. but with last night's thoughts lingering in my mind, I felt more at peace. I missed her presence around here.

I miss her contagious smile that never seems to leave her face.

I miss her more than I thought I would and It has only being a few hours, not even a day.

What is happening to me?

I was getting some work done when I heard a knock at the door. I asked the person to come inside without even a glance. I raise my head when I felt a presence. "Mia! what are you doing here" she is the last person I expected or wanted to see here. I troll to her and perked her cheeks.

"Hi to you too. I was hoping to go out with you tonight"

"You could have just called "

"Yeah but you don't take my calls anymore and I'm traveling, away from all this for a while. So please it will be the last. I hope when I come back I will be over you and we can be just like old times" that threw me off guide.

Jack, Mia, and I have been friends since high school but when she confessed her love for me, one that I couldn't return, it soiled our friendship. I couldn't see her as just my friend any longer especially with both our families trying to bring us together. But hearing her say she was leaving points out how unfair I have treated her after her confession. I stopped hanging out with her. I stopped going to family gatherings and picking her calls. In short, I stopped being her friend. Thinking about it now I have being a bad person and I need to mend things between us before it is too late.

I wanted to go see Ella tonight but I guess that can wait.

"Yeah of course," I told her knowing that was the best I could do.

Thanks for sticking around guys, hope you enjoyed reading this chapter.

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