|Shot 104| • Endurance • |Stenbrough|

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"Y'know, Bill, when I said we should participate in extracurricular activities, this isn't exactly-"

Stan was cut off by two neanderthals tackling each other with a loud thud as they fell to the ground and groaned.

"-what I had in mind..." he continued.

"Wuh-Well, Stanny, it wuh-was either this," I gestured towards the bulky kids on the field, running around, punching each other, and shouting, the coach blowing his whistle obnoxiously, "OOOR we juh-join the swim t-team or ch-chess in the library"

"What's wrong with chess?"

"What's wrong with swimming?"

"I don't like getting wet, plus those pools are gross, all the germs and disheveled towels and guys and-"

"Okay, okay, n-no swimming, Stan. Th-That's fine by muh-me, actually. I don't t-take my shirt off for juh-just anybody" I smirked.

He rolled his eyes but I could see a small smile curl on the edges of his lips as his cheeks flushed red.

"Who do you take it off for" he mumbled snidely.

"You, Stan" I whispered in his ear.

I went to kiss his cheek before a shadow loomed uncomfortably over us.


We looked up at the sweaty, red faced coach.

"You two homos done spatting? Or are you gonna go take the field?"

Stan and I rolled our eyes, stuck our mouth guards on our teeth, strapped on our helmets, and jogged to the field.

"Huddle up!" Hank, our quarterback shouted. "Alright, boys, big game tonight, I wanna see some nice, clean gameplay here, try not to fuck up"

"Oh, like that time you fucked up the play and fumbled the ball, Butterfingers?" some guy sneered.

"Hey, shut the fuck up that was one time!"

"How about b-both of you shut the fuh-fuck up and let's get a puh-play started?" I scolded them annoyed.

"Easy, Bill" Stan whispered, and I instantly calmed down at his soothing voice.

"Denbrough's right," Hank said, "we are the Derry High Spartans, after all. Not a bunch of pussies!"

'"Hell yeah!" we all cheered.

I glanced at Stan as we cheered. His uniform fit him great, but his smaller frame still had not quite caught up with mine, and it made me grin like an idiot to see him with such an outfit on. Sports weren't really Stan's thing...then again, neither were they for me.

Any activity with him was just an excuse for me to get to spend time with him, even if only for a few minutes.

"Alright, set up, punch a Judy on one, and...break!"

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