David's POV
Tonight there's a huge party at Scott's house. If you ask me if Am I going, then the answer is no. I don't like partying. It sucks even more when I can't drink alcohol and I don't want to push myself to drink just because all of my friends are old enough to drink, while I'm not, but I did promise to take Gabbie to the party. It's for her own safety.
I pull up at Scott's house and the music is already blasting. I bet they're going to be complained by the neighbours soon enough.
"Ok we're here. Call me when you need a pick up"
"I will"
"Bye Gabbie"It's 11PM and I haven't got a call from Gabbie. I decided to drive to Scotty's house to check. I immediately see Gabbie standing outside at the door, texting. I instantly receive her message right when I arrive. An idea pops up in my head. I park a bit far from the house, at a corner that Gabbie can hardly see. I pull out my camera and get out of the car. I hide in a bush and text her that I'm here. Her immediate response is walking towards the sidewalk
"GABBIE!" I and jump out of the bush and say in a scary old man voice, making her jump and scream
"DAVID!!!!! That was terrifying" She laughs so hard
"I think you sobered me up" She hits my shoulder
"You're welcome"
We're heading to Gabbie's house. We're both sitting quietly, so quiet that you can just hear the small sound of music playing on the radio. Suddenly, Gabbie speaks up
"Ooh look it's Liza"
"You're still drunk Gabbie?"
"She's lying on the ground" She chuckles
"Ya high? What do you mean Liza?"
"There!" She points to a body lying on the sidewalk, next to a lamp post.
"Oh no" I mumble
"PULL OVER!" She demands
I pull over and we both get out of the car.
"Yepp it's defintely Liza"
"You know her?" I look at her in curiosity
"I met her at .... the party"
"Gabbie?" I raise my eyebrows
"Please don't tell me you did something wrong"
"No she's old enough to drink" She defends herself
"No Gabbie. She's Liza Koshy. She's 19 just like me"
"How do you know?"
"She makes videos on YouTube"
"Oh.... crap"
"Great lucky for you she just passed out and still alive"
"What should we do now? We can't just leave her here"
"Exactly. You're the one who have the responsibility here. I'll drive her to your apartment"
"No excuses. My apartment has no more room and she will freak the f out when she wakes up cause I'm technically a stranger to her" I reply strictly
We both carry her into my Tesla, trying hard not to look like two murderers. Good for us she's still sleepingThe whole drive to Gabbie's, I can't help but look at her beautiful figure laying down through the mirror. A smile peeks on my face
Liza's POV
I wake up as my eyes slowly open. I look around sleepily and immediately panic
Where the f am I?
This is not my bed. What did I do last night? Did I do something too crazy? I pull away the blankets to check
Phew! I'm still in last night clothes. Ew, and make up.
I take a look around and nobody is in the room. I get out of bed and god my head is so heavy. I open the door slightly. I hear people talking. Not like a lot of people, just two, but I regconise a familar voice
"Do you think I should dye my hair blonde?"
"Uhm... "
"Who am I even talking to" She chuckles
I walk out of the room and they look at me.
"You're up? Good morning!"
"Gabbie? What are you doing here? I mean what am I doing here?"
"Oh clearly you don't remember anything. Liza, honey, you passed out on the road last night. I was on my way home when I saw you lying on the sidewalk, next to a lamp post"
"What do you mean only you?" The guy who sits opposite her speaks up
"Oh I mean WE saw you. Ya happy?" She glances at the guy
"Thank you Gabbie. I appreciate that"
"Oh I forgot. This is David. David this is Liza"
"Hi!" I try to smile, but immediately need to lean against the wall as I feel like my head is spinning.
"Uhm.... I'm sorry. I'm a bit dizzy, but again, it's really nice to meet you"
He just gives me a light nod.
"Well, I'm going home now. Thank you so so much for saving my life and letting me stay the night Gabbie. Call me anytime so we can meet" I grab my stuff, but I just can't find my phone.
"Gabbie would you mind if I borrow your phone to call an Uber? I think I left it at the party or on the road. I don't even know"
"Hey...no need to. David can drive you home, right David. We're about to go out to grab some coffee. Would you like to come with us?"
"No thanks. I still need some rest"
"Oh ok. David... let's go?"
He nods and grabs his keys and a camera.
A camera?
I walk out of the apartment first. The two are behind me. Gabbie is probably locking the door. I keep walking when I hear Gabbie's whisper
"Stop staring at her like that you perv"
Gabbie is definitely not good at whispering
"What the f...."
"Hey Liza wait for me" She cuts him off and catches up with me
We all get downstairs to the garage. David presses his car-looking key and his car's wings go up. My eyes widen:
"Show off" Gabbie crosses her arms
David doesn't say anything and we get in the car. I sit behind and Gabbie sits on the front seat, next to David.
"So you're telling me last night I slept in this?"
"Uh huh. Cool?" Gabbie nods her head and chuckles
"Well thank you so much for not letting me sleep on the road. So do you always carry a camera around David?" I change the topicDavid's POV
"So do you always carry a camera around David?"
"For photographing or..."
"I'm a vlogger" I answer plainly
"Really? Well I'm a Youtuber too"
"I know"
Crap! What did I just say?
"Uhm.... I mean.... I've just known.... you know what I mean?"
Screw you David! You act like an idiot!
"Oh You can drop me off here"
I pull over and she's about to get out of the car when Gabbie says
"Hey why don't we all exchange numbers so we can meet some time?"
"Yeah I forgot" She sits back down so we can all have each other's numbers
"Ok byeeeeee" She gets out and wave at us as we drive away
"You're welcome David!" Gabbie pats my shoulder
I give her a weird look and start driving again.6 months later...
Third person's POV
David and Liza are hanging out at Gabbie's place, vlogging like always. He holds up his camera while talking about Gabbie
"So guys, Gabbie is saying that I'm spending more time with Liza than spending with her"
Liza, who is sitting next to her best friend giggles, giving him approval jokingly
"No. I think that the time that you're not spending with Liza, you should be hanging out with me" She crosses her arms in defence
"Guys can we just go and have something to eat now" Liza cuts off their conversation, secretly pulling her boyfriend out of the awkward situation.
"Sure. Good idea" David chuckles and turns off his camera.
Liza walks out of the door first and so does David, but he is instantly pulled back by Gabbie. The blonde squeezes his wrist
"You're welcome"
David looks at her and scrunches his eyebrows in confusion, like always but obviously he knows what she meant
Meanwhile, Liza is already at the elevator when she overheard their conversation. Her smile widens
"Are you guys coming or not?"Gabbie is definitely not good at whispering

FanfictionLife isn't a fairytale, but if it was, here it is • This is my second book. I hope you enjoy it!