Liza's POV
It's 7AM in the morning. I know that even without looking at the clock 'cause my alarm is going off which makes me feel like something is banging in my head. I groan as I open my eyes. Usually at this time there will be a pair of arms wrapping around my waist, a gentle kiss on my forehead and a rusty voice will echo through the room saying good morning to me. I pull the blanket closer to myself, I can feel the emptiness and lonliness surrounding me. The alarm is still going. I finally manage to get out of bed to turn it off. Today is the day! Today my life will change forever, our lives will change forever!
I get into the bathroom, wash my face and look into the mirror. I'm wearing that over-sized T-shirt that David left here the first night he stayed over. It was 4 years ago and he's never asked me to give it back. In fact, he said I looked good in it so I should keep it.
As I walk down the stairs, I feel a bit dizzy. Midway, I stop to lean my head against the wall to get myself together.
Jeez...! I hate the morning
I get into the kitchen to make myself breakfast. I eat and look at my phone to see it's almost 8. After finishing my breakfast, I get upstairs again to brush my teeth and get dressed.
8:15 and I go the garage to get my car and drive to the airport. At about 9, I arrive. I haven't received any calls from him . His flight must have landed by now.
15 minutes later, I see this man who dresses in black walk out of the gate with his suitcase and a backpack on his shoulders. He kinda looks around, his eyes searching
"David!" I say loudly making his head turn to face me
His gorgeous brown eyes brighten when they meet mine.
Everything feels like in slow motion. I run across the crowd and jump into his arms. He drops his stuff to hug me tightly.
"I miss you so much Bubba"
"I miss you too Pookie" He says and kisses my lips.
"So how was New York" I ask him as we walk out of the airport to the parking lot
"Why are you asking me like you've never been there before"
"What? I can't ask my fiancé about ... New York?" I ask jokingly
"Yes...New York was great. Work went smoothly" He says holding up my hand where a golden ring is placed and gently kiss the back of it.
We get in the car and I drive him home.
"Home sweet home" I open the front door and he steps in with luggage. He drops them all and catches my off guard by picking me up bridal style.
"David!" I can't help but giggle
His strong arms carry me upstairs to the living room.
"Ya awake???" I whisper as I see his eyes slowly open
He groans and turn away from me
"Well dinner is almost ready bub"
"Wait what time is it?"
"I thought I told you to just let me sleep for an hour" I can hear the annoyed tone in his husky voice
"C'mon you looked like a sleeping beauty and I knew you needed sleep after that exhausting flight" I say rubbing his shoulder to calm him down
He pauses for a moment
"Where is that amazing smell coming from?" He chuckles
"You have to see and taste it yourself. C'mon!" I pat his waist and get downstairs again to check the food.
A couple of minutes later, while I'm still cooking, I feel a pair of hands running down my waistline, making me almost jump. I soon calm myself down, knowing it's just the love of my life. He wraps his arms around my belly, hugging me from behind.
"What can I do to help you?" He says softly and kisses me on the crook of my neck. I can literally melts into his arms at this very moment. His loving touch makes me feel like I'm falling in love all over again. I bite my lip to hide a smile.
"Everything is almost done. We just need to lay the table"
"I'm on it" He says and gives me a kiss on my cheekWhen I come back to the dining room, everything is all set. I bring out the food and we start eating.
"So anything special happen when I was away?" He asks while still stuffing his face
I freeze for a moment
Not yet Liza!"uhmm... nothing except Scotty and Kristen got engaged which you already know. We're no longer the only engaged couple" I say and glance at my beautiful golden ring that has a sparkly diamond on top
"Yeah. Hey, does it sound too crazy if we have a double wedding?"
"It sounds pretty cool to me, but we need to ask for their opinion"
"We'll talk to them about that"
We continue talking about everything to catch up with each other after a month being apart. After finishing our food, David helps me washing the dishes.
"Thanks" I kiss him on the cheek
"Anything for you"
I walk to the oven and take out a batch of brownies I made earlier"Wait, YOU BAKED TOO?" He yells excitedly like a five year old
"You're the best! It smells amazing. You know I craved for brownies when I was in New York and I bought some, but nothing can compare to yours"
"Well thank you handsome. I'm gonna make some popcorn now. We're watching Netflix tonight"
~~~~~~~5 minutes later, I come back to the livingroom with a huge bowl of popcorn.
I let my body sink into the sofa next to David. He pulls the blanket up after I grab the remote control."So what are we watching?" He turns to me with a cheeky smile
"Continue with Riverdale"
"Wait, you waited the whole time so I can come home and watch it with you?"
"Yeah. I don't wanna watch that alone. Last time I watched 13 Reasons Why and I balled my eyes out, plus, I felt lonely asf" I say as I stuff my mouth with a full hand of popcorn
"Ok" He pulls me closer beside him and turn on the show. I lean my head against his shoulder.
..."Babe.... what is this?" He asks pulling a small envelope out of the bowl as we have finally reached the bottom.
"I don't know" I try to hide a smile and quickly grab the remote to pause the show
"Liza what is it?" He sits up and so do I
I shrug...
"You know about this? Man why did I say that. You definitely know"
He pauses for a moment. I can tell so many thoughts are rushing through his mind right now.
"Just open it" I say calmly
He eagerly tears off the envelope and pulls out a light purple card.
He opens it. His eyes widen and become watery as they look into mine. They are filled with joy, hope and excitement.
"OMG Liza...."
I just chuckle and wipe my eyes as I don't know what to say anymore
"Are you...." He gasp
That's when he pulls me in and we connect our lips with a passionate kiss. I've been waiting for this moment for too long. Hiding this from him was the hardest thing I have ever done in my life, but the waiting is definitely worth it. I wanted him to find out when we're together, in person, not through facetime or whatever. I'm the luckiest girl on earth to have him and .... to start a family with him in the near future.
He smiles into the kiss before we both pull away and our forehead rests against each other's. David whispers softly, his voice shaking and cracking
"We're having a Dobrik"
"We're having a Dobrik!"A/N: what's up guys!! It's been a while. Sorry for being so inactive lately, I'm back to school now. If you see the chapter's number is in a wrong order, it's because this one has been sitting in the draft section since the beginning of summer. Just wanna let you know that, not trying to cover up the fact that I can't count(what????)
Ok buh bye:)

FanfictionLife isn't a fairytale, but if it was, here it is • This is my second book. I hope you enjoy it!