Chapter Seven

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  I can't believe I'm updating two chapters in one day!

  (Thomas' POV)

    "I can't even with you!  How come you never told me?!  I loved you!"  Teresa screamed as she walked closer to Newt and me.

  "I never told you because, 1- I wasn't sure yet, and 2- I didn't know how.  I don't care if you loved me!  I love him!"  I screamed back walking towards Teresa.

  "Are you-  Are you kicking me out?"  She said.

  "More like showing you the door."  I sassed Teresa and didn't give one fu**.

  "Tommy,"  I heard Newt speak but I was too in the zone to answer.

   "Look, that asshole is even calling you Tommy!"  Teresa yelled as I tried to push her out the door.

  "He calls me that all the time!  Even before we knew!"  I yelled back, still unable to get her out.

  "I just wish you would have told me."  Teresa started to cry.  I stopped pushing her and hugged her.

  "I'm sorry.  I'm so so sorry."  I started to cry as well, but not as much as she was.

  "Tom,"  She spoke softly.

  "Yeah?"  I whispered in her ear.

  "I still love you like a brother."  

  "And I love you like a sister."

  "That means so much to me!"

  "I'm just glad you understand,"  I said, out loud this time.

  "I always will."  She said back to me.

  "Guys, I'm still here..."  Newt said from the other side of the room.

  "Oh,"  I laughed, "Sorry."

  "It's fine mate."

  "Hey, guys,"  Teresa said as she wiped away the tears from her face.

  "Yeah?"  We said in unison.

  "I uh, got evicted from my house."  Teresa started to cry again.

  "How?"  Newt asked.

  "I broke a few rules.  Like, having extra people in my home, not paying rent, and well, my music was too loud.  I really don't know."  Teresa said, tears still falling down her face.

  I glanced over at Newt.

  "Do you have an extra room I could sleep in?  Just until I find a new home."  Teresa said in a soft and sad tone.  How do I say no?

  "I'm sorry Teri but we don't-"  I started.

  "-Know how to no.  You can have my room.  I was moving into Tommy's room tonight anyway."  Newt finished my sentence.

  "Really?!"  I said, a little too excited.

  "yeah."  He said back.  I don't know what could get any better.

  "Oh Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"  Teresa got so happy.

  "It's nothing, really,"  Newt says.

   "I could just kiss both of you! Oh.  I mean... hug."  Wow, Teresa, smooth.

  "Just hug us."  Newt and I both spread out our arms and let Teri hug us.

  "When was the last time we were all together and happy?"  Teri said.

  "Months,"  I said.

  "Must be,"  Newt said.


  Wow.  two uploads in one day.  I'm proud of me.

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