Chapter Seventeen

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(Thomas' POV)

 We were about ten minutes away from home when I broke the silence.

"So, why do you look like you were just beaten up?"  I ask softly and calmly.

 "Because I was.  It's not always easy being the one everyone trusts."  He seems so depressed, I thought he had overcome it.

"I-Newt, look I'm so sorry for what I did.  I love you with all my heart and cannot even express my love to you thru anything I could think of.  I know we still haven't had sex yet or anything like that,  I want you to know how much I love you.  I mean-  I just-  I don't know what I would do without you.  The past few days I didn't leave my room at all.  Not even to go to work.  I called in sick both days."  I truly am in love with him and love him with all my heart.  And he knows that.

"Tommy, I forgive you.  I shouldn't have overreacted so much, or at all in that matter.  I love you so much as well.  I wish I never left you.  It was a terrible decision."  Newt said.  He sounded so sincere and loving.

"But how?"  I asked shyly.

"How what?  Oh!  You mean why I look like this."  He's so clueless, it's so adorable.

"Yeah,"  I said laughing a little bit.

"Okay, so she told me she wanted to get back together.  I told her I was gay and seeing you.  She didn't understand it and decided she wanted to have sex instead.  I declined with a hard no and tried to walk away.  She pulled me onto the bed and tried my wrists and legs down to the bed.  She then proceeded to get breakable objects and throw them at me.  She had thrown plates, glasses, lamps, and something else I couldn't quite see that well.  After she finished throwing items at me, she took a knife out of her drawer and started to cut me.  She opened old cuts and made new ones.  All she wanted to do was watch me in pain.  Then she looked at me like she was going to kill me.  She yelled at me a couple of times, then the doorbell rang.  I felt so happy.  She untied me and we walked downstairs.  She didn't want to see who it was so Ella walked back up the stairs.  she told me to get ready for the worst part.  That's when I opened the door to see you standing in the doorway."  I saw tears form in his eyes.

  "It's all right Newtie, I'm here now.  You don't have to worry."  I calmed him down and reassured him that I would always be there for him.

  "Thanks, Tommy, I love you so much,"  Newt said.  We were finally home so we got out and walked into our home together hand in hand straight to the bedroom.  It's been a long day and we needed our rest.


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