Chapter Twenty Three

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From this point till the end of the book, things get a little more intense.

(Third Person)

  Screaming came from the cell that held Teresa.  Guards walked up and down the stairs and walking to her cell.  She screamed in fear one of them would bring her to the thinning process room.  

  "Leave!  No!  I have my rights!"  Teresa yelled and screamed with all her might.

  "You're a crazy woman,"  A guard said and walked upstairs.

  While he walked upstairs he motioned for the walkie-talkie that connected him to Ava.

  "Ms. Anges is ready for action,"  This meant that in the last hours of the day, guards would come to take her away for good.

   "Okay, got it.  Sting her and eleven thirty."  Thirty minutes til before Monday.  A loud Sunday night was about to become a quiet Monday morning.

  About thirty minutes later a WCKD professional came in and stung her.  She lies there lifeless.  A guard put her over his shoulder and they walked upstairs to the thinning room.  Theresa woke up right before the fumes were released into the room.  You could hear the cries for help. 

 The last words anyone heard her say was,  "Revenge is upon you."

  teresa had died and now the remaining participants wait for their fate.


  Sorry if you liked Teresa.  Anyway, this story was fun to write (I know that sounds horrible).  But,  I never write in in the third person, so it was interesting.

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