Chapter Thirty-Two

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(Newts POV)

I couldn't resist him.  Even though I was on the verge of dying all I wanted was him.  I pushed back, out of breath.  he looked sad but happy at the same time.  He wanted me and I wanted him.  he took my torn shirt and replaced it, same with my other clothing items.  he washed my face off and my veins disappeared a little.  It was almost like he was curing me.

We walked into our old bedroom that looked barely touched.  Was he sleeping on the ground? 

he pulled me onto the bed a started ripping my shirt off, I held his hand only inches away from my chest.  

"Are you sure about this?  Our love won't last for long."  I looked at him, his face full of concern and worry.

"Yes, I'm sure.  I only want you."  I let a smile appear on my face as he pulled my shirt off.  Soon enough I knew we were going all the way.

the next morning I woke up to the sound of Tommy's voice.  I rolled over and groaned, not wanting to get out of bed.  I looked at the clock, 9:45. 

"Shit,"  I saw worry filling my voice.

 "What?  It is something I said?"  Thomas looks at me.

 "No, I have to go to WCKD to get my weekly blood test,"  I see the worry flush from Thomas' eyes.

 "Can I come?  Mine isn't until 10:15 but I'll wait with you."  I smile and nod.

We get into the car a drive off, "Where was Aris?  I didn't see him this morning."

"Oh probably just at Minho's as usual,"  We both snicker.

I finish with my blood test and wait for Thomas to be done as well.  When we get our results back we see that the virus has slowed down by 5 percent.  That's very large for a huge virus deadly and contagious to slow down at such a fast pace.

"I see you two lovebirds are back together.  That's so nice to hear, knowing that love slows down the virus almost enough to stop it."  The doctor says walking by.

"Wait, what?  Love slows down a virus full of craziness and hated."  I say standing up, walking closer to the doctor.

"Yes, not enough to stop it though.  Please, stay as far enough as you are designated- Crank."  Those words hurt me.  I hadn't yet told Thomas that people call me a crank.  Yes, you can tell I'm about halfway to the gone, but still.


"Tommy no-"

"What?  Are you just going to let them call you that?!"  Thomas' voice rises.

"Let's go home.  Please."  I give him a look of love mixed with anger.


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