#1 How you guys met

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Michael- Mickey's pov

We playing another show and we were in the middle of beside you when I saw her. She was so pretty. And she stood out because she had this sign that said "marry me Mickey." So when the song was over when Ashton was talking I whispered to Luke to get her back stage. Luke whispered to Calum and Calum whispered to the guard. When we got backstage there she was so was even more gorgeous up close if that was possible. I said "hi, I'm uh" she interrupted me and said "Michael, I'm (Y/N) I already know who you are." Then she made the cutest sound she giggled and showed off her beautiful smile. So I asked for her phone number and she took my phone and texted her self. So she had mine. I asked her out and she said yes. That was the start to a perfect relationship.

Ashton- your pov

It was another day at Starbucks this was the older one and the newer one right across the streetwas getting all of the usual customers. I still think it was stupid to put another Starbucks right across from another one but not my choice. Then four boys walked in but one in particular was just an angel and his smile was contagious. So I said "hello welcome to Starbucks what can I get you guys." They all ordered then the curly haired one paid and as I made their coffees he said "hi I'm ashton." I said "hi ashton I'm (Y/N)." He said "beautiful name for a beautiful girl. By the way when does your shift end." I said "it ends in like twenty minutes and I close up shop so I'm free in twenty." He said "well (Y/N) would you like to maybe go to the park or something." I said "ashton yes I would love to go on a date with you." The other three boys just made wolf whistles and clapped I giggled and handed ashton their coffee. Ashton asked if I wanted to come sit and I did I found out that Michael dyes his hair a lot. That Luke loves penguins. That Calum hates being called Asian. Lastly that they are in a band and that ashton is the drummer. Later that night we had a great date.

Luke- your pov

So I was walking through the streets of New York and I had my Starbucks my drug. I was on my phone texting my mom telling her where I was when I bumped in to a very tall figure. I was about to have a total meltdown. I was going to lay it in to him but then looked up into his beautiful blue eyes. He was absolutely gorgeous. I said "sorry I wasn't watching where I was going." He said "No, it was my fault I wasn't looking either. I'm Luke by the way." He bit his lip ring and I practically melted. I stumbled over words because of him. How did he have this effect on me. I said "I'm .......(Y/N)." I mentally face palmed myself because of that. He giggled and it was like a thousand kittens just attacked me and cuddled me it was a cuteness overload. He said "why don't I buy you another coffee." I said "that would be great." So later while we were at Starbucks he asked me out and I said YASSSS. That was the start of that.

Calum- cal's pov

So I was at the park in America because I didn't really know where everything was and this girl was sitting on a bench eyes closed singing beside you I smiled and walked over to her and sat next to her she was pretty good but the high notes she couldn't hit and I giggled because it sounded bad but it was cute that she still didn't care. She stopped singing and looked at me because I giggled and she was wide eyed. Then she smiled and said " are you really the Calum Hood?" I said "what if I said yes?" She practically tackled me with a hug I hugged her back. She pulled away and said "I'm sorry it is just that not every day you meet your biggest crush." Then she just covered her mouth. I giggled and said "well now that I know you like me would you like to go out on a date with me." She practically scream yes. I laughed and she gave me her phone number. I told that I would see her later. We texted non-stop that night.

Yes this is my first preference um yeah I will be tying all of them together so yeah love you guys

-Ashton's babe💙

Bye you molester moons 🌚🌚

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