#5 the way he hugs

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Because Luke is so tall he loves to just bear hug you so tight. When he comes back from tour watch out because he might break your back lol.


He just loves to just hug you from behind and pit his head on your shoulder. And whisper sweet nothings into your ear like "Your so beautiful princess." And you just love it.


He loves to just hold you in his arms. Like when he comes nack from tour and cant keeps his hands off of you. (stop thinking like that you dirty people lol jk love u)


He loves to hug you from the side.

idk why but he just looks like someone who would do that.

Well there you go guys i know i haven't udated in a while. i will try to update more often but idk if i can udate everyday when school starts but i will udate as often as i can ok ily guys so much buy and stay beautiful i luv u

-Ashton's babe

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