Also contest

185 5 2

If you write me a message wit a really good pref idea I can make you a cover. if you like mine I can make you one like it. But yeah I have no idea when the contest ends so yeah how about September 30th. yeah so just send me a personal message with a good pref idea and I will pick like 5 to make you a cover(lolz get it 5 ;-) ) so yeah ok bye stay beautiful you beautiful froggies


if you could be a member of 5sos who would you be and why? I would be ashton just so that I could be unbelievably hot for a day plus I would strip naked and look at myself in the mirror is that weird? I don't think so.

Ok bye you beautiful froggies


-Ashton's babe

5 seconds of summer preferencesWhere stories live. Discover now