#4 You walk in on him doing something embarassing

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So you had just come home from work and you wanted to surprise Michael. So you tip toed up the stairs and got to your guys shared room. And you walk in to see him with your underwear on. You just busted out laughing because he was dancing to the song 'my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard'. He then just froze. Because you recorded it. I mean you had right and he said "please do not show anyone that." You asked "Michael what are you going to do for the video?" He said "anything." You laughed it was a great night for you Michael was waiting on you hand and foot cuddling,watching chick filcks, and he made dinner DUN DUN DAAAAAAAAH. You ended I paving to make it cuz he tried to burn the house down but it is the thought that counts.


So you were in the shower and you heard your high heels but thought it was your imagination. So once you got out you tried looking for Calum. Then you went into the studio room and found him wearing your favorite dress wight your fishnets and your favorite pair of high heels. You were mad and amused at the same tine you took a pic and were about to put it on twitter when he came running and said "please don't show anyone" you couldn't do that to him so up you kissed him and said "fine babe but please take off my clothes."


You walk in but Luke didn't hear you so you looked at what he was doing. He was crying watching the titanic. Then the best part came he screamed "I'll never let you go Leo never." That was it you busted out laughing and he nearly knocked you down with a bone crushing hug. He said "babe promise me you won't let go." You were taken back but the statement and said "only if you let me go because you are killing me with this hug." He giggled and let go but then cuddled you on the couch for the rest of the movie.


So you were sleeping then you heard ashton singing but it wasn't his normal singing he was singing in an accent that you couldn't put your finger on. It was still funny so you made a keek he was singing heartbreak girl.

So Ashton's was from the keek Calum made but you were Calum in this situation. Ok wuv you guys byeeee.

By you magical dragons✨🐉

-Ashton's babe

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