#2 He catches you dancing like a derp

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So it was just a normal day for you. Michael was at the recording studio and you were stuck at the house doing house work. (Like a boss) Well you got bored so you put on some music that happened to be 5 seconds of summer.(imagine that lol) So you were dancing and having fun. Then you heard some one giggle and there was a Mikey standing in the door frame just laughing his ass off. You walked over to him and blushed a deep shade of red. He kissed your cheek and said "you are so adorable."


So you had just come home from the beach with your girlfriends. But Calum wasn't home yet so you took a shower. (To get all the sand from the places off your body.)

One you got out you went to start to get dressed but it was hot so you we're in your bra and panties and calum's shirt. You turned on some music from the boys and started dancing well you were in the middle of dancing to lost boy (god I love that song.) and you heard many giggles it was all of the boys. You ran upstairs to put on some pants you did and you just said "go ahead you can laugh." The whole house was filled with laughter. Then Calum came over and kissed you and wrapped an arm around you and whispered. "I love it when you wear my clothes. And I love you." You giggled and kissed his cheek. And said "I love you too cal."


Well the boys were on tour so you had the 5 seconds of summer house to yourself. YES YES YES. It was awesome so you went into the secret room and just blared the boys music and you were airguitaring in rejects when they busted out laughing. You just blushed but then you just ran into Luke's arms and jumped and wrapped you legs around him he caught you of corse. You kissed him with so much passion. He pulled back and said "I missed you too." You smiled and the boys cleared their throats. With that you jumped off of Luke. You winked at him ready for what will come later.


Well you were totally happy that the boys were going on tour with 1D. (more like 5D lol)

So when Ashton went out with the boys to celebrate you stayed at your house for your own celebration. Well you were just blasting music that you didn't hear ashton come in. So you were in the middle of the song little black dress when you were strutting through the room like a model here comes ashton busting out laughing with the boys. You just blushed and hid your face in Ashton's chest and hugged him he hugged back and whispered. "You like one direction don't you squidward?" (Get it from sponge on just for the people that don't know.) You just giggled and nodded yes. He asked "who was your favorite." You said "um it is between Harry,Louis,and nialler." He said well how long have you liked them you said "since X factor." He had wide eyes but said "well you get to meet them because your going on tour with us." You just screamed and jumped all around the room and more screaming then you calmed down as much as you could but couldn't talk because you were so overwhelmed. You were so excited you get to meet one direction.

Hey guys I'm really sorry I haven't updated in a while I'm at the beach and got so many ideas I hope you guys like it once I have internet I will post this lol love you amazing cats by 😺😻😸also I will put like Ashton's babe or other guys names in the band it's just that I can't decide which one I like better so I trade them off each week it that weird please tell me lol love you guys

-Ashton's babe

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