Ok im sorry i feel like a bitch

158 5 2

Um yeah I love u guys Thanks for not totally hating me. school fucking sucks ok it does. and they want me to do a bunch of shit for when I get to high school. and that sucks so yeah I will announce the winners of the contest like in 30 minutes. so yeah I love u guys so much and thx for putting up with me and I will try to make more prefs thanx.
What was your favorite part of the good girls video?
I loved it my fav part was the cop on the Segway at the end.
Ok I like u guys and stay beautiful my magical turtles ✨🐢✨🐢✨🐢✨🐢
My turtle was smalla then a bug Lolz get it
-Michael's babe

5 seconds of summer preferencesWhere stories live. Discover now