Chapter 18

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I enter my bedroom to see Tom covered in nothing but a towel. "Almost ready? I'm already dressed!" He looks at me sticking his tongue out, "I just need to find a shirt to wear and we're all good."

Walking into the kitchen I corner Kris, "You wouldn't happen to have any shirts from any of your ex's that Tom could use?" She leans against the counter, chewing on her bagel.

"Go check. I think I might have one or two in there." Just as I'm about to turn around, I see Kris' eyes widen and her face blush. "Uhhh hey Tom, how's it going?"

I look behind me to see a wet Tom, still in his towel, in the kitchen scratching his head. "Anybody have a shirt I could borrow?" Kris and I break into laughter at the sheer awkwardness of Tom. I grab Tom's hand and lead him into Kris' room.

"I don't think Kris would appreciate us getting romantic in her room, love." I open her closet and start looking through it. I pull out a v-neck blue shirt that looks Tom's size. "Here. Now get out of here before I decide I want to stay in today," I say winking.

My heart races as we enter the door to the London Dungeon. This is like the creepiest and coolest place I've ever been in. It's like a haunted house all year round.

"Remember, you wanted to come here." Tom says, his voice sounding reassuring. He buys the tickets and grabs my hand. "Let's do this."

There was blood, creepy people, Jack the Ripper and rats scurrying on the floor. I think there was one point where I jumped a little and Tom let out a quiet scream.

"That was awesome!" I say throwing my arms in the air. "Totally better than any haunted house I've been to back in the States." Tom forces a smile.

"Everything okay?" His eyes are a different shade of blue, more of a dark sapphire and full of sadness. "Why are you looking at me like that, Tom?"

No answer.

My self-consciousness is becoming exposed. "Tom. What's going on, what are you thinking.”? It was like he unfroze himself, shaking his head around with a smile. He rubbed his neck before running his hand through his hair.

"Nothing, dear. I was just thinking of something," he never does that. "Are you hungry? I could use a drink after that!" He begins laughing awkwardly, not his usual laugh of  'ehehe' but a 'ehehe' with a huge side of 'I'm hiding something.'

The cold air, dull clouds and the weird version of Tom is starting to make me feel like I'm in the twilight zone. We walk about 5 blocks to this restaurant, one of Tom's favorites, for a quick lunch. We sit at a table by the window.

"Marie, we need to talk."

What? Talk? We need to?

See, I knew this whole friendship-relationship thing between Tom and I wouldn't last. This is just what I need, to be dumped.

Before Christmas and while my parents are here.

Act cool, Marie. "Okay. Let's talk."

Tom grabs my hand, tightly caressing it in his. His eyes still have that saddened look to them but he's smiling.

"Marie, you mean the world to me," he's warming me up so the breakup doesn't hurt as much. I get it. "I know it's only been 7 months since we first met and only a couple weeks since this became official but I need to ask you something," he takes a deep breath.

I don't know what to do so I freak out. "Tom, if you want to breakup, just do it already. I didn't want to believe that this couldn't last but.... ugh." I pull my hand away, burying my head in them. I mentally can't do this right now.

"Wait, what? Marie, no! I'm not breaking up with you, love!" Tom gets up and sits in the chair next to me across from his. He places his right arm around me while his left hand cups my face.

"I love you Marie."

The words that pierced my heart like the knife that Juliet used to kill herself after Romeo poisoned himself thought she really died; not knowing it was all a ploy.

This was the first time Tom actually said that and it was the first time I actually felt him mean it.

"Marie, I umm.... I want to ask something of you. I'd understand if you felt uncomfortable and rejected but it's something I want to do."

By this time, I have a tear rolling down my cheek; Tom's face is flushed.

"What is it, Tom?"

He pauses before blurting it out. "Would you be my date to the London premiere of War Horse? I'd like to show you off and I know it's only a couple days away but Marie, I want to share this with you."

My heart sinks in my chest. I am crying, bloody crying in front of the whole restaurant. "I would be honored, Tom." I kiss him hard as he folds his arms around my shaking body.

And here I thought he was going to breakup with me.

Lesson to self: Stop over-thinking things.

No matter how perfect I think Tom is, and our relationship, part of me still doubts everything.

Until I find that one thing that makes him less perfect, I'm afraid I'll always live in that mindset.

And that scares me.

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