Chapter 30 - The Wedding Finale

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I had a dream last night. 

It was the scariest dream I've ever had.

"It was about today. My wedding day. Kris, it scared the crap out of me." She finishes applying the eyeliner before blotting my lips again with a tissue. 

"You've got cold feet, Marie. It's perfectly normal. In an hour, you'll be Mrs. Thomas Hiddleston. Just relax and soak it all up, you deserve it."

I stick a straw in my glass of water sitting on the table next to me. "I know but I get this uneasy feeling. My stomach is in knots."

Diane, Emma and Sarah walk in the dressing room. Maddie is outside with Rich playing in the garden, she's the most adorable flower girl I've ever seen. "You're not even in your dress yet and you look absolutely beautiful." Sarah comes in for a hug; it's been a while since I last saw her. On Christmas actually, the day I went crazy over Tom's proposal.

"I'm thrilled to see you." I say making sure to not hug her too hard. Kris would flip if I messed up my hair and makeup. "Tom's a lucky man." I hear a manly voice coming from behind me. I turn to see my dad leaning against the doorframe. 

"May I have a moment alone with my daughter, the bride?" All the ladies smile and make their exit. "Marie, you are -" 

"Stop it dad, don't make me cry." My dad and I have always been pretty close, so close that we irritated each other. He's taught me everything I know and everything I am is because of him. 

He walks over to me, grabbing both my hands. "You're all grown up," he begins. I can see his eyes get glossy. "Here I thought you'd never get married, it was something you were always against. Now here you are, marrying Tom and I wouldn't have it either way."

My dad has always been the only person that could make me break down in tears with just one look and right now, he's giving me that look. I'm 100% sure Kris didn't use waterproof makeup either.


"I'm proud of you, Marie. Only a half hour until your life changes forever." He kisses my forehead. "I'll be right outside waiting. You need to get that dress on." As he walks out, Kris slips her way into the room. 

"Everyone is getting lined up. You ready?" She asks as she's helping me slip into my dress. "I need to fix your makeup real quick too. I told you not to cry." I glare at her.

"Well I'm sorry, I'm feeling emotional today." All she does is smile. "My best friend is hot. You clean up really well, Marie." She pauses as she tries to hold back tears. "You've made my life better, M. I'm so honored to be a part of your big day and for letting me interrogate Tom. You deserve all the happiness in the world and Tom can give you that." One lonely tear falls down her rosy cheeks. 

"Stop it, Kris. We can cry after the wedding." I give her a hug not giving one care about my hair or makeup. She is my best friend, someone who’s always been there for me and always will be.

She's my sister.

Tom's POV_

"I'm quite nervous. How does she look? Beautiful I bet. Is my tie straight?" I look over at Luke, my best man, who gives me the seal of approval.

"Calm down, Tom. Breathe man." He says after pounding a whole glass of champagne. "She looks stunning." I look to my dad with a smile. 

After one glance in the mirror and a final deep breath I begin a toast.

"To those that support Marie and I's relationship. All of you are important to both of us and I thank you for sharing this day with us." We all take a drink before I finish. "Now let's go get married!'  

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