Chapter 23

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2012 promised to be a fantastic year. Kris was heading off to RADA, Tom was beginning to travel promoting the new Avengers movie coming out in May and well, I'm getting married.

I was reminded of a facebook status I saw from one of my male friends back home:

       A goof friendship is like a sandwich: completely ruined if you put your penis in it.

Had I seen this status, let's say about 8 months ago, I would have liked it, commented on how I wish I could double like it, and then leave another comment in complete agreeance with how true I thought it was.

Funny how irony works isn't it?

Needless to say, things didn't happen that way. I met Tom in the midst of his growing popularity, not even knowing who he was. He had just finished shooting The Avengers months prior and was working on multiple films later that year. All of which gave us decent time to get to know each other.

Though I can say that when he 'put his penis in it' things between us got a little awkward but in the end it made us stronger, both in our friendship and our relationship.

When I used to hear people say that they're marrying their best friend, I would laugh hysterically 6 months down the road when word got out that they were divorcing. But I'm lucky enough to say I'm marrying one of my best friends. Though I suppose, someone out there will laugh hysterically if this were to fail.

But that's not out plan. We won't go out without a fight.

It doesn't help that The Sun already has a photo of the ring on the front page. Who know you could use a super, super, super zoom lens to see a diamond on a finger that's standing 40 feet away from you.

"I don't know how I'm going to do this, Kris. I mean, this whole planning thing." I stop pacing across the common room before resting on the couch with a binder the size of Saturn in my lap. "Marie, you've always been an organized person. I'm sure everything will be okay, you have people who are helping you when they can, including myself!"

"I want you to be my maid of honor..." I say quietly. Kris leaps from behind the breakfast bar in the kitchen.” You want me to be your maid of honor?"

I had always hoped that my best friend form back home would be my MOH but as of late, Kris has been the only person who truly understands Tom and mine’s relationship. She's been my rock. My best friend.

"Of course. I couldn't picture anyone else standing next to me as I give my vows." Kris' eyes start watering, swelling at the tears beginning to form. Without another word she clobbers me with the biggest hug of my life. I can feel the tears soak through my shirt.

"So that's a yes?" I ask casually. She pulls her head from my shoulder, wiping the sea of water from her eyes. "Ye-ye-YES!" She yells her excitement, her face bright red and make-up smeared.

I haven’t talked to Tom in about 4 days and I’m beginning to lose it. I never thought that I’d need so much emotional support during the planning but I really need to hear his voice. I was able to catch Luke on his phone but he informed me Tom had a busy day of interviews.

Promising to be the biggest movie of the year, I suppose I shouldn’t be mad if I can’t get a hold of him. It’s part of his job. While I on the other hand – have no job, still a full-time student at Cambridge and an amateur wedding planner.

How did my life get so crazy?

Since my mom doesn't fly in until February, Diana and Emma are helping me deal with the wedding plans. We've already been engaged for three weeks and I'm already starting to feel the stress that comes with it.

I still have to get in touch with Tom to figure out the venue and the seating charts. Plus we still have to get invites out. Nearly impossible to do via Skype, believe me, we’ve tried. So until he gets a chance to talk, looks like the flowers, food and fashion is all up to me.

I can’t even think about going shopping for a dress. Patience doesn’t follow me around like it does other people, after one dress I want to punch somebody in the face. Luckily for everyone around me, that’s the first thing I’ll cross off my ‘To-Do’ list.

Our appointment is at Johanna Hehir. Her designs are right up my alley when it comes to style – I absolutely adore her collection. When we first arrive at the boutique, Johanna herself greets us. A private session with one of London’s best wedding designers.

She begins talking me through the process of picking out a dress, my likes and dislikes. Honestly, I’ve seen enough ‘Say Yes to the Dress’ to know how difficult it can be to find the perfect dress. My parents are paying for my gown and gave me no limit in terms of price, which sort of makes things a little easier.

I just want to make Tom’s jaw drop when he sees me.

“Let me show you some gowns I think you’ll love based off of your style.” Johanna starts picking dresses after dresses, placing them on the hanging cart while everyone else waits in the viewing room.

The first dress I try on is a vintage style called Clare. It has small shoulder straps with a laced bodice and a blush stain ribbon around the waist. I walk out into the viewing room and everyone starts smiling. Kris holds up her iphone in the air as someone begins speaking.

“It’s too simple, Marie. You wouldn’t be happy wearing this.” I turn my head with my eyes squinting behind me. Kris had skyped my mom so she could have some input on the dresses.

I love my mom to death, I really do but she’s overly opinionated.

If anything, her being here virtually just made me realize how emotional this is going to be.

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