Chapter 12~ Dragonlord

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Three months later

Helena had no knowledge of anything anymore. 

She could already feel Kings Landing going down to hell! It was clearly going the wrong direction. Helena did not even know why she was summoned to her father. Lord Varys had said it was utterly important for her to attend to her father directly. 

Sir Devrys, of course, came along. She and him had gotten close and Helena had someone she could talk to other than Sansa, Arya and her maiden Eliza. 

"What do you think it's about, sir Devrys?" Helena asked, walking with him to her fathers chambers. She asked sir Devrys because she suspected he knew something. He must've known something!

"I don't know, my Queen." Helena knew that was a lie, but she said nothing. 

Instead, she entered her fathers chamber after knocking. As she entered, she saw him sitting on a chair, holding something in his hand that looked like a necklace. Helena had no idea what the necklace looked like, but just the small chain looked beautiful enough.

"You've summoned me, father?" Helena asked as sir Devrys closed the door behind them. Her father nodded, holding the necklace in his hands even tighter. 

He gestured for her to sit down and she did as said. "How are you, dear?" Well, if only she could tell him...

Joffrey had began to beat her again, torture her and calling her dirty names, threaten her and almost killed her a couple of times. Helena told sir Devrys on very strict command that he was not to interfere even if she got hurt. 

That she would scream his name if she ever needed help. 

She wanted to tell her father what Joffrey was doing to her though...

"I am well." she said, holding her stomach, rubbing it and patting it sometimes. "Only a month left." Helena smiled and so did Lord Stark. He was clearly very proud of Helena and seemed to love the baby as much as she did. 

"This baby will do you good, my sweet child." This was something Helena was aware of, something she already knew.  This baby was her only hope.

"Before I left for Kings Landing," Ned suddenly said, looking at the necklace in his hand. "I promised your brother I'd talk about your mother with the two of you. But considering Jon is not here..." Helena looked at her father, almost not believing it. 

He never talked about their mother. He had never mentioned her, never told them her name or where she came from, all they knew was that they had a mother. At least that's all Helena knew. 

"Helena, there is no easy way to say this..." She furrowed her brows and concentrated on her father. She had a feeling there was more to the truth.

"It's alright, father. You can tell me." But it looked like he literally could not get the words out of his mouth. Was it weird? Yes... Maybe he could not talk about her mother because her death still affected him?

Helena had no idea.

"Do you know who Devrys is?" What kind of question was that? It only made her even more confused.

"Of course... He's a general from Essos." But he shook his head. Lord Stark was shaking his head and then suddenly, once again, looked at the necklace in his hand. It was beautiful, made out of fine silver. 

However, Helena could not see more than the thin chain. 

"Belaerys... It is not a common last name in Westeros. It is valyrian." Valyrian?

Of course, Helena knew of Valyria. It was old and ancient, only one of the most beautiful and powerful cities. She had heard the legends, but never really dug deep enough to know about it.

"Belaerys is one of the noble dragonlord Houses, Helena." Dragonlord? Helena looked at Devrys in disbelief. She knew very well what dragonlords were, and not long ago the last one had died. Well, except for one which were now two. 

"Devrys has the blood of Old Valyria in his veins." Ned Stark said, taking a long pause. "As do you." 

Helena was even more confused now. "My mother was a Belaerys?" 

Lord Stark shook his head. "No, your mother was a Stark." A Stark? But wouldn't that... "I am not your father, Helena. Lyanna Stark was your mother." 

With a shocked look, Helena stood there like an idiot, looking at her father speechlessly. He was not her father? And his sister, the person Helena thought of as her aunt, was in fact her mother? Lyanna Stark? 

Is that why King Robert always admired her? Maybe King Robert admired her because he was her father!

"But if King Robert is my father, then that would make me and Joffrey-"

"No, sweet child," Lord Stark shook his head. "I mentioned the dragonlord houses for a reason. You're no bastard, you're not just any noble..."

Helena was still very confused. "Father, just tell me."

"Many times when you were little, you and Jon used to play by the fire. You would be careful, but Jon wasn't. He had somehow pushed you into the fire where you sat, not making a sound. You didn't cry, didn't even flinch. You didn't even get burned." Trying desperately to understand, Helena closed her eyes. 

Little by little, memories came back. Glimpses of it, though. 

"Helena, you are immune to fire."

"I can't be immune to fire, that is-"

"You're the rightful heir to the Iron Throne." he suddenly said, looking at Helena with those honest eyes. Helena knew, there was no way he was lying. He was not lying, he was too kind to lie and too loyal for such a thing. 

"If I'm immune to fire..." Helena said. "That means I have dragonlord blood, that I am Valyrian." 

"You're not just any Valyrian," sir Devrys said respectfully. Helena looked at her father again, pleading for him to tell her. 

"Elyana Visenya Targaryen, first of her name, the rightful heir to the Iron Throne, daughter of Prince Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark." Lord Stark had gotten down on his knees all of a sudden, one hand on his chest and the other still wrapping the necklace in his hand. 

"You are the rightful Queen, Helena. You're no Baratheon nor a Snow, but a Stark and a Targaryen you are. Which is why I will pledge-"

"Father," Helena said, making her father look up to her. "I do not want you to pledge your life to me, you have for the bigger part of your life." 

Suddenly, out nowhere, her father handed her the necklace. 

"Your mother had this before she died." he said, handing her the necklace. 

The sigil of House Targaryen, a three headed red dragon was engraved into the necklace. It was small, yet it was so clear. And so beautiful...Helena took the necklace and admired it, she loved it. 

All of a sudden, sir Devrys got on his knees once again. 

"My Queen, if you would let me pledge myself to you once again under your true identity." Helena said nothing as sir Devrys dragged out his sword. This was a clear sign that under the past months, sir Devrys had been quite aware of her identity. 

Which made him a loyal man. 

Helena felt like being a Targaryen in Kings Landing brought even more danger. 

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