Chapter 6~ Kiss of Hell

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Helena sat at her desk, a quill in her hand and paper on the desk. For the first time, in a few days, she had regained strength to write at least a letter to Jon and have it dispatched with a raven. Helena wrote about being legitimized by the King and gaining the title Stark. She wrote about her betrothal to Joffrey and how one day, she'd be Queen. 

As Helena wrote, tears were visible on her letter that blended with the ink. 

She shrugged it off and told Septa Mordane to send a raven to the nights watch. He'd be getting the letter from Helena Stark, not Snow... And poor Jon, all he wished for was to be legitimized. That was all he had ever wanted.

Septa Mordane later on told her that she had to attend the royals if one day she was going to be a Queen. Apparently, she needed to make allies and she agreed with that. Kings Landing was a dangerous place filled with people trying to kill you.

A nasty place.

So Septa Mordane helped Helena on with a pink dress, a very light pink , with long sleeves and a fabric that felt like silk. Helena was more than sure that this was silk as Septa Mordane started to take off the corset as Helena had asked. 

Claw was on the bed, watching as Helena got ready, her hair in a beautiful braid made by the Septa. At the very least, Helena was happy that she had Claw with her. He held a part of the North. 

Helena walked out with Septa Mordane and Claw in the royal garden and felt all eyes on her. She could feel people piercing their looks against her and Claw. Of course, it was unusual to see a direwolf. 

"It was a mistake coming out," Helena said. "I should've kept inside."

"Nonsense!" Septa Mordane said and took a hold of Helena's hand. "You will be Queen one day, you might as well act like one."

"But I am not Queen just yet, now am I?!" Helena said angrily as she pulled away from the Septa and turned around to walk away from the royal garden. 

However, in much pity, she walked into someone much taller than her. Someone quite strong and buff. Helena kept her look down. 

"Beg my pardon-"

"Helena," the voice said, oddly familiar as he spoke. Helena looked up and saw a pair of dark green eyes. 

It was Jory Cassel, the captain of the guards of household Stark. He was fathers most loyal and trusted servant, he was more like family than a servant. 

Helena wanted to cry, gouge her eyes out and scream. It was so nice to finally see someone she knew, someone she trusted, someone she could turn to in time of need. She had not seen Jory since they set for their journey a month ago. 

"Jory!" Helena stormed into his arms as he embraced her. Helena could feel her tears fighting their way up to her eyes. Jory held her tightly, as if he missed Winterfell just as much as she did. And Helena imagined that he did. 

She pulled away, tears slightly visible on the corners of her eyes. She shook her head as Jory pulled his lips into a straight line. 

"You saw...?" Helena questioned. 

"I was there the entire time, Hell," he reassured her. "I'd stab them alone if you so ordered it." Jory said as his hand went over her shoulder, pulling her into a hug as the two of them walked. It was clear that Jory wanted to say something. 

"I'd never command that, besides I can't command-"

"You're a Stark," Jory said suddenly. "You can officially command it. Besides, I'd done it anyway for you, Hell." Helena pulled off a little smile and wiped her tears away from her eyes. 

As they walked, Jory pulled down his head just a little and started whispering. 

"You need to be very careful, Helena," he said. "Everyone here is not to be trusted... They will stab you as quickly as you turn around, even when you are Queen of the Seven Kingdoms." 

"I don't want to be Queen, I just want my family." 

"You must survive it, little one," he said. "You must be strong, for all of us!" 

"Milady!" Another voice suddenly said from behind, not to mention she knew the voice far better than she wished. She gave Jory a pleading look but he shook his head and nudged her towards him. 

She faced Joffrey and looked at him with narrowed eyes. 

"My Prince." Helena said politely as she curtsied, trying not to sound bitter or dry as she spoke of his name. She couldn't show that she hated the prince, or else he would have her head on a stake. Helena had to play along with the game. 

Joffrey smiled as he approached her, his ugly face lightning up at the look of her. 

"You look beautiful as always, milady." But only a matter of weeks ago he had been an asshole back in Winterfell, calling her a bastard. Helena wanted to slap him across the face, that was something she was capable of doing.

"Thank you, my Prince." Helena said as she forced a smile on her lips. "I am flattered." 

"And I am most thankful that we shall be married." Oh Gods above... Helena wanted to run, she did not want to be there any longer for she shame that had spilled over her shoulder. She'd marry the winning award prick of King's Landing. 

"I am, too! I cannot wait, my Prince."

"Joffrey, call me Joffrey." he said and smiled kindly at her as the sun shone over Helena. Helena could see how admiringly Joffrey was looking at her, probably admiring her beauty as men usually did. Women of Winterfell were certainly not ugly, they were beautiful. 

But Helena was not really from Winterfell. 

Helena nodded at the prince as they started walking, Helena fake listening about his story and how he shot a deer with his father. Helena didn't believe a word, he probably couldn't even hit a turtle if he tried. 

But Helena wanted to know... She wanted to know everything, and since Joffrey seemed so mesmerized she had her chance. 

"Sorry, my Prince-...Joffrey, why did your father cancel the betrothal to my sister? I mean, it's honor to be your bride, but it came to concern."

Joffrey didn't seem offended at the least, instead he smiled as his hands were behind his back as he walking. Behind them, a few meters away, Jory followed close by his look impaled into Joffrey. 

"My father did not do it on his command. Surely, he persuaded me and Sansa was just not for me. I would rather pick the best apple rather than the rotten one." Helena tried not to shout at him or scowl him, instead, she spoke nicely. 

Or at least she tried until he opened his disgusting mouth once again and stopped, looking at her. 

"I'm sorry," he said suddenly, looking at her once again with those eyes of admiration. "But you do have the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen."

And just like that, Joffrey Baratheon kissed her. 

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