Chapter 64~ Two Queens

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"Don't you look dashing!" Damien said, smirking at her. He was charming, he was... 

Helena couldn't explain it. 

It's been a couple of days since her friends left, since her twin left, and there she sat. With Damien. By the dining table.

She hated to admit it, hated to say it... But he had grown on her, slowly, every single day, Damien had grown on her. His stupid jokes and his completely useless comments, his sarcasm, his charm... He was kind and she saw that in him. He was a good man. 

When she looked at him she didn't feel the hate, she didn't feel disgusted nor like she wanted to flee or stab him. No, in fact... Helena would rather accompany him, he made her curious. The way she looked at him had changed completely. 

But she had important matters to deal with. 

"Damien, I need to request...No, I need to tell you something."

She wasn't going to let herself stand down this time, she was going to stand up for herself. Devrys reminded her of who she was, reminded her of what she was meant to really do. 

"Go on."

"I understand that you need me here, to help you," she said, her eyes soft. "I really do understand... However, I am still the Queen of my own people and I won't let them down. I need to save them before-"

"I know." Damien said, sipping his wine. "I know what has been foretold and to be honest, I believe it. I also know that if the people you care about happen to die, you won't stop at any cause to end up just like them."

Helena shook her head, in shock actually. "I saw how much you love your family, especially Jon." She did. 

Jon was her everything, she could not possibly survive without him. Not for a minute. Seeing him leave was the hardest thing, it broke her heart to watch him leave her again. It reminded her so much of the first time they'd been separated which was when Lord Stark was taking her to Kings Landing. 

"Two weeks ago, I wouldn't have trusted you to leave." Damien said, shaking his head. "But things are... changing around here."

"What do you mean?" 

"I am their King, but I know when they start to disobey. My decoy is growing stronger each and every day and he's created many like him and that is a gift that I don't possess."

"You can't create more like you?" 

"I was not created into what I am, I was born into what I am.. It is unnatural even for me to play with death." 

"So what... what does this mean?"

"It means that they're probably going to start a war against me, those who are loyal to me are of my kind and yet there are not many of us left..." That was true. 

The ones who looked like Damien, which wasn't very different from human, were probably only a hand full of people. 

"Damien, what do you mean?" He brought up his golden cup to his mouth, drinking it fiercely until it was empty. 

"If you stay here, you will die." 



"I heard that, but what about you?" 

"Since when do you care about me?" he said, smiling sarcastically. Helena didn't quite understand it either though. She did not love him and the plan wasn't to care for him but somehow... She couldn't help it. 

He had grown on her. Maybe a little too much by now. 

"Damien, I can't just let you die here."

"Darling, I've lived for thousands of years. Tell me, what else do I have to live for if not this?" Without thinking, Helena said it. 


It surprised her as much as it surprised Damien. She had not expected those words to come out of her mouth, but at the same time it felt like a relief. 

"I mean... You and me, we can help each other-" But then she interrupted herself and thought carefully. It was clear to Helena that Damien's decoy did not like humans, not at all. He had an army bigger than she could've imagined. 

Why? She was afraid she already had the answers. 

"They're not... not after you." she said out loud, realizing it. "They're probably going at war with the rest of... my people. The North."

"Yes," Damien said. "Most likely."

"How can you let that happen?" Helena questioned, almost angered with him for not taking responsibility. 

Damien looked bitter now, almost angry, as he started to speak whilst engraving his eyes onto Helena. 

"When I get my Queen, by the ritual, I gain more power. Control. They don't see me as their king."

"I thought we were going to do the ritual? Vows and all."

"Well, it's useless." he said, drinking from the cup. Helena narrowed her eyes. 


"In order for the ritual to work, you have to love me." 

Tyrion's POV;

He didn't quite see the point. Either way, there was going to be war. No matter how he looked at it... The dead were coming and even if they were to win that war, another would come and he wouldn't have a single clue of how it would start or who would start it. 


"She is the Queen beyond the wall now," Daenerys said. "Besides, I've fought for the Iron Throne with blood and fire." Literally, Tyrion thought. 

Sansa shook her head. Tyrion knew, Sansa did not like the dragon queen. Disagreed with her without a single shred of trust in her. 

"She is our Queen." Arya suddenly said. "She is declared as our Queen."

"Yet, so am I." Daenerys said, gazing at Arya with big scary eyes. "There cannot be two Queens."

"The people in King's Landing loved her," Sansa said loud and clear. "They shouted her name whilst she was Queen. They cried when they thought she died, cheered for her.. When she was absent the people lived under fear of Joffrey, yet they whispered her name."

The room went quiet for a bit but Tyrion knew... If anybody, he knew how true that was. At every brothel there was always one girl asking if Helena was some kind of goddess sent down from the Gods, if she was magical and so on.

"It's true." Tyrion said, knowing very well that he was working for Daenerys. "They loved her. However, I think the people will love Daenerys too. She's released so many slaves, freed cities, has the wealth, has the power-"

"My sister is saving us all by marrying someone who could kill us all in a heartbeat," Sansa continued. "She has wealth, she is the product of two great Houses with two dragons larger than Daenerys'. She has power, she knows the Seven Kingdoms, knows the game of thrones."

"See, that is the wheel that I want to break." Daenerys said which Tyrion understood partly. 

"It doesn't matter." Bran said. "Elyana will return with the dead at her feet and she will fight the dead with us. We need to prepare for it." 

"She's coming back?" Daenerys demanded to know, almost angry.

Bran slowly turned his head to look at her and calmly spoke. 

"No matter what you do, she will be an obstacle. Killing her is an option, which I assume you know."

"I never meant to kill my own niece-"

"You would do anything for the throne," Devrys persisted. "You will surely make a good Queen."

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