Chapter 41~ Castle

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"Sansa's first..." Helena said as she sat, her hands on the table, her fur coat keeping her warm. The castle at the Wall was quite cold, even though the fire was right behind her. 

"What about the white walkers-"

"They won't attack." Helena said, knowing it was true as well. "They wouldn't dare to..."  

"But, my-"

"Don't." Helena shot one of the men a look, a deadly look that burned. "Don't defile me, do not question me again. I will be riding off to Winterfell soon, I will kill the Bolton's and take back the North. However..." Helena looked down at her hands and shook her head. 

"I will not use my dragons." she said and looked at every one of them, their faces completely confused. Of course, they knew that the dragons were the bigger chance of victory. 

"Queen Helena, your dragons will win the battle within seconds!" One of the men of the nights watch said, as if it was obvious. Helena nodded, Arya at her side as she arose from the chair she sat on. 

"Yes," she said, raising her voice. "I would win, but I would also kill many innocent people. I would burn down Winterfell into ashes. I will take back Winterfell rightfully and I will only ask of you to join me on this fight. This is not a command, but a plea."

"We're not enough men," ser Davos said suddenly. "We are outnumbered, my Queen."

"I have more of the Unsullied at the Tully's, but yes... Even then we are outnumbered. Which is why I will ask all of my father's allies, allies to Robb... To the Stark's-"

"They've turned to the Bolton's." Eddison said, which Helena knew as well. "They will not accept whatever it is you're proposing."

Helena smirked, knowing this was not true. "The difference between me and the Bolton's are big. I have something the Bolton's could merely dream of."

"You're going to sell your dragons?!" Tormund cried out in panic. Tormund had explained to her before that he believed the leader of the free folk was the one he believed to be the true leader. The true King. However, Mance Rayder, the formed leader of the free folk, was killed by Stannis Baratheon. 

That's when Tormund told Helena about his belief in her and Jon. 

He saw them as leaders, he saw her as a true Queen and he put his faith in her... Something she had not expected. 

"I won't sell my dragons, I won't even threaten them..." Helena said as Claw started walking after her. 

"I will be the daughter of Ned Stark, a legitimized bastard. I'll remind him that the North remembers." 

"Why should we fight for you?" A man suddenly questioned. "I think it's a bit weird that the White Walkers arrive hours after you! You'll only get us all killed."

He was right, she was not going to deny it. They had come because of her, they had arrived because of her and many had died because of her. That was no denying in anything at all... She had nothing to defend herself with. 

"It's funny," Dev suddenly said, rising from his seat. His sapphire eyes met hers. "I remember Helena killing one of them standing next to the Night King. I remember them fleeing after that, because of her dragons. I remember her fighting on the battlefield, risking her life for all of you!" Helena looked at him in disbelief. 

Ser Davos and ser Barristan rose as well, as did Tormund and ser Jorah. 

"No Queen would ever set foot on the battlefield." ser Jorah agreed. "She is no ordinary Queen and had it not been for her, we all would've died last night." 

"Not only would you die," another voice said, a very familiar voice that Helena recognized. "But everyone else would've died if the other Queen in Essos had not come to your rescue, and I doubt she would leave her dragons to drag a sword."

Helena didn't know if she had to smile or get angry. 

He was still the same, yet different from the rest of the lions. He had helped her, which she had been grateful for. 

Devrys suddenly took out his sword, quick to strike, but Helena was fast too. She managed to stop him in time, her dagger touching his sword as quick as possible. 

"Don't touch him," she said. "He is not an enemy. To be honest, I am not quite sure what he is... Maybe you'd enlighten us, Tyrion Lannister." 

Cersei's POV;

Cersei felt like everything was going to hell. She had one Targaryen in Essos, spreading her reign and another Targaryen and Stark in Winterfell, winning back what could defeat Cersei. And now that Tyrion was gone too..

However, Cersei had a plan. 

She always did. 

"It doesn't matter that Margaery is Queen," Cersei said to Jamie, her fingers intertwined. "I am still the widowed wife of a Baratheon-"

"Widowed." Jamie said, as if to make her understand. "Tyrion left to reign with Helena-"

"Don't speak her name!" Cersei shouted, anger rushing through her body. "You will not speak her name!" Cersei hated her, despised her and could not simply stand with hearing her name. Every Stark she knew would be slain...

Every single one of them. 

"I have a feeling Olenna Tyrell will deceive the Lannister's as well. Of course she wanted Margaery to marry Tommen! He is a King, just like the other two husbands were!"

"Margaery is liked by the-"

Cersei shook her head, interrupting her twin brother. "The Tyrell's have power, Jamie. And Margaery has her hands wrapped around Tommen."

Which was true, she could control with only a glance of her pretty eyes. Margaery knew that she was in the great game and Cersei knew that when playing this game, you either win or you die. And she wasn't about to die just yet.

"Olenna will surely build an alliance with the bastard in the North." she said, raising her glass of wine. 

"She doesn't have a reason-"

"Oh, but she does." Cersei said, looking out at King's Landing. "She has as much of a reason as Elyana Targaryen does."

Helena's POV;


She remembered how much she loved being here, remembered how Bran was practicing with Robb and Jon and Theon... She remembered father looking down at them practicing, Arya shooting arrows and Sansa knitting inside while Lady Stark prepared for everything around them. 

She remembered how she and Jon shared so many loving moment with their beloved family here. This was her home, her fathers castle, the castle of Stark's. 

Helena sat on her horse next to Arya and ser Davos, the others right behind her... The Bolton's did not know that she was coming, and as far as Helena knew Lord Bolton was now dead, making Ramsay the new Lord of the House. 

Of course, he was legitimized, just like her. She used to be a bastard, but in reality, she had never been a bastard. 

"Sansa and Theon are in there." Helena said to Arya. "And today we are taking our sister and brother back."

"But Theon has betrayed-"

"Family, Arya." Helena said, despite being angry and disappointed at Theon for what he had done... She could not leave him. She simply could not when Theon had protected her so many times. 

"We will take back Winterfell today." Helena said, thinking of her father. "Our castle."

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