Chapter 43~ By the hands of a Stark

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Helena rushed inside the place she knew as home. Her entire face was covered in blood, her gear and her sword. 

They had won, and that was the important thing, however it wasn't over just yet. Ramsay was still alive. 

Helena went through all the doors to look for Sansa, busted each one open with a slam of her foot. And at last...

Helena opened the door and saw Sansa and Theon sitting close to each other, Theon holding her hands as she cried. She looked scared to death when the door opened, but then.. Her face somehow lit up. 

For a moment, all Helena could do was look. She could not do anything else, for she had longed so long to be with her sister again... And seeing Theon somehow melted and broke her heart at the same time for several reasons. 

"By the Gods..." Helena whispered as Sansa got up from the bed, in tears, and hugged her sister lovingly. Helena was so afraid to hurt her, she seemed so fragile, and was scared to hug her too tightly. However, she did anyways. 

The longing had been terrible. 

"You came!" Sansa sobbed, a terrible cry as she broke down in Helena's arms. Helena hugged her warmly and tightly, refusing to let go as she breathed in her sister. 

"Of course I did." Helena whispered as she pulled away, cupping Sansa's face, wiping away her crystal tears.

 "Of course I came, where else would I go, my dearest Sansa." she said, smiling kindly. As Helena pulled away she looked over at Theon and saw him there, just staring at Helena. But something in his eyes had changed. 

He had changed. 

She knew, from the look of him, that he was no longer the Theon Greyjoy she once knew. He no longer stood proudly with that dorky smile and no longer had that foolish courage in his eyes. He looked scared and even more fragile than Sansa. He looked... tortured and in pain. 

Helena walked over to him, looking him in the eyes and saw only the brother that she missed. She knew now, despite his betrayal, that he did not kill their brothers. 

"You betrayed your own family, Theon." Helena said, but not roughly but more likely in a soft tone. Kindly. 

"Helena, I am so sorry-" Helena shook her head and hugged him tightly, holding him closely. The last time she saw him he tried to protect her. He came with Robb to Kings Landing and he told her there that there wasn't a day in his life where he would not risk his life for her. And she knew it was true. 

He had , very much indeed, protected her against the guards at King's Landing. 

"Don't apologize," Helena said kindly, feeling the anger go away as she hugged him. "But please, don't betray your family again. Don't betray us again, Theon."

"Reek is my name."

Helena pulled away from him, watching his scared face. He was terrified, yet there was a sudden calmness to his eyes. She touched his cheek with her hand and looked into his eyes. 

"You are Theon Greyjoy of House Greyjoy and Eddard Stark was a father to us all! You are the son of  a Lord and now you're under the protection of House Stark and House Targaryen. You are no longer Reek." 

"But he said-"

"We defeated them," Helena said and smiled at him. "We defeated Ramsay, Theon! You don't have to be scared any longer! Bran and Rickon-..." But then again...

Helena did not know if Bran was alive and she saw Rickon die right in front of her eyes. Which reminded her. 

Turning her heel around, she walked straight out the door and almost ran to the gates where Ramsay was with the few soldiers he had left. Helena looked at him and shook her head with disgust. 

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