Chapter 5 - maid for a change

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When Sonic finally recovered he started working but not before putting on his maid uniform... but before he could Knuckles stopped him knowing that he felt guilty of the pain and suffering he caused Sonic despite the fact that him, Rouge, and the other servants were nasty to him. He looked away and said, you don't need to wear that anymore... Sonic said, why not am I gonna clean the boiler room because I?.... Knuckles cuts him off as Sonic felt his arms around him... Knuckles whispers, listen....there's a spare that you can probably fits you better than that one....okay? Sonic whispers, but I... Knuckles cuts him off once more and said, that dress is drenched in sweat Sonic... giving in to Knuckles Sonic said, alright...*sighs sadly*...fine... Knuckles walked out as Sonic cried a little and whispers, sheesh...the funeral arrangements are gonna be really expensive...even if...*sighs* I pay for the burial... Silver and Erica heard said them behind the door...the two along with the other servants were obviously guilty... Erica said, maybe...we should help him out...we can't just stand around here and... Evan said as he cuts her off, I know but...funerals are expensive along with the burial... Erica said, I know but it's the least we can... Evan said, I know that sis....but listen...I overheard him say after the all this he's gonna continue working here... Tim said, what?...why? Evan said, *sadly sighs* because he doesn't know what to do without Tails he's not...he's not the same as before...he couldn't live with himself he has nowhere else to go...he's all alone...or so he says... Erica said, but...he's not alone...he has Amy... Evan said, no she was fed up with Sonic avoiding she moved on to a perfume salesman... Erica said, what about Cream and Cheese Evan said, moved away. Erica said, what about the others... Evan replied, the chaotix went far away with their protégé they can train them to be detectives just like them, the Babylon rogues went on to become stars, we all know what happened to Shadow, not to mention that all the villains died in a explosion and no it wasn't the same explosion Tails was in that explosion happened the day building they were in was scheduled to be blown into smithereens...and they got blown up into ashes along with the building...serves them all right for bugging and terrorizing the town with their dumb schemes...hope they rot and have a torturing and painful life in hell...okay I'm getting off track here...anyway they all died in the explosion...well...all accept for Scourge, Mephiles, and metal-Sonic...they escaped the building before they got caught by the explosion...besides they didn't warn the other villains on that the other villains are out of the way...they're free to terrorize everyone now without any interruptions...they're the least threat to for Blaze she went back to care of her mother with her new boyfriend. Silver sadly said, ain't that the truth... Evan said, one villain in particular wasn't with the other villains at the time of the explosion...that someone was Fleetway... Silver said, that crazy and mentally insane duplicate of Sonics super form? Evan nodded. Erica said, that's good to hear and all but what about?...Manic and Sonia and Sally? Evan said, he, Sonia and Manic had a fight about who's childish and everything...things went too far when they say Sonic was too childish and irresponsible for being a freedom fighter and too selfish and too inconsiderate to be their little brother they both wanted nothing to do with for Sally....she's doing whatever she could to be supportive for Sonic...but as her best friend...though she had been caught up with her work and all... Silver said, I see...*sadly sighs*.. Erica said, Sonic didn't have anyone else left...the only person he had left was Tails and he stood by his side like a brother would... Silver said, guess that made Sonic alone when he died... Evan said, well the least we can do is be there for him when we pay for the funeral arrangements for him...besides we can at least be there for him...he can't just be in the funeral alone when he's attending it. Tim said, Evan's right we can't have Sonic alone with the corpse of a young child...we at least have to be there for him. that's when they went back to work as Knuckles came back with a spare maids was a plain black dress with a white frilly apron... Sonic didn't care what he was going to do anymore...all he could do is be a servant and work for the rest of his life...alone... Knuckles felt guilty...he heard about what happened... when Sonic successfully puts the maids outfit on as he got his black high-heels on and walked out and worked. Knuckles noticed a brief change in Sonic as he swept the floor. Knuckles felt extreme guilt...he had no idea that everyone left Sonic...Tails was the only one who cares about him...and faith took him away. sonic was emotionless, heart broken, and tears were pouring out when he works. Evan walked to him with guilt in his heart and said, Sonic?...we need to talk to you when break time comes. Sonic emotionlessly said, okay... Evan was crushed and concerned because it was a simple snarky speeches or whatever Sonic does. It was sad and very frightening watching the Sonic they knew turn into someone else...someone sad, alone, and very depressed. Knuckles sees Sonic isn't going to be the same again. When break time came Sonic sat down in the break room as Erica said with a concern look, Sonic...we really hate to bring this up and I know this isn't a good time but...we were talking and...we should pay for the funeral with the money we already have...besides you've been through enough....and you've been...well...heartbroken enough...we can't stand around and see you like this....see you doing things on your own... Sonic sadly and softly said, that's nice of you guys but...*shook his head* I can't let you do's...I don't want to put you guys through... Silver interrupts, haft to let us help you at least...we've been nothing but rude to you and we never thought you be hurting inside....*starting to cry*...I know you've been suffering.....*sniff*...please just let us help you at least... Sonic sadly sighed as he softly said, okay... Evan said in a concern tone, listen...we wanted to be here for you Sonic plus make up for what we did... Sonic said nothing as he stood up and got back to work. Tim whispered, poor kid... Knuckles heard the whole thing as he watched Sonic walking away cleaning... Sonic could see the images of everyone starting to hate him, and break him down as tears flew down his face... one of the servants walked to him and said sadly, look....I know your sad and all...but wouldn't you just invite your siblings and frie... Sonic said, I don't want anything to do with them...besides they don't care about me anymore...I don't want to talk or see them again... they want nothing to do with me...they hate me....I never wanted to see them ever again...before I got a job here...I begged them and told them that I needed the money for Tails surgery and what do they do?...they turned me away and they say never to show my face again the servant said, okay...never mind...I'm sorry... Sonic shook his head and said, no...I'm sorry... Sonic walked off as a tear flew down his face. Tim said, aww man poor kid. Evan said, all I can say is those idiots have definitely cross the line... Sonic yelled as he cried, DAM THEM ALL!!!...I HATE THEM!!...I hate them all...*cries as he walks off* Knuckles sees him very sad and alone.

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