(Final) Chapter 12 - a lovely engagement/celebration/ love on the garden

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Everything and everyone was talking and eating properly as Knuckles got everyone's attention as he hits the whine glass with a tea spoon gently to get everyone's attention... one guest said, hey guys I think Knuckles has an announcement. Everyone turn their attention to Knuckles and Sonic who is currently very nervous... Knuckles said to them, guys I have announcement to make will everyone sit down?..*They sat down as Sonic stood up with a concern look on his face.* okay...I would like to announce the name of my bride to be... the crowd was so eager to know whether or not it's Sonic... Knuckles goes down on one knee and said as he sighed and looked into Sonics eyes, Sonic outta all the people I seen...you have been the lovely to me...and so as I now ask...Sonic the Hedgehog...will you marry me? Sonic gasped and nodded his head yes and whispered, yes...Knuckles... Sonic began to cry as Knuckles stood up. Sonic hugged him tight as Knuckled hugged back and said, its okay Sonic...its okay. The crowd aww as both Sonic and Knuckles smiled. That's when the host  of the party, okay okay everyone calm down...now this has been a formal part but now...it has turned into an engagement party...now let's celebrate the engagement of Sonic and Knuckles... the crowd applauded as they clapped for Sonic and Knuckles. Then a moment later everyone at the party started to do a slow dance including Sonic and Knuckles.  The two slow dances into the night as Knuckles held his new bride into a slow dance... Sonic whispered as he blushed, I..I...I guess...we're gonna be...married...right? Knuckles chuckled and whispered, yeah...but I will be married to the right person...you Sonic... the blue hedgehog blushed and said, well uhh...hehehe... then as they stopped dancing their lips touched into a lovely and embracing bliss... the crowd cheered as they clapped for the new couple.

<3 months later>

Sonic was sitting in the garden watching the sunset sipping on a cup of tea... he thought, I'm not sure if we can have a wedding...I'm so nervous... that's when Knuckles comes out and said, I thought I find you here Sonic... Sonic looked at his fiancé and said, oh...hey... Knuckles sat beside him and said, still worried about our wedding? Sonic said, barely...I'm not sure how... Knuckles said as he wraps an arm around his shoulder, look...you need to stop worrying baby...besides..hehehe...you really look good in a dress. Sonic said as Knuckles laughed, oh you.... then both of them laughed as Sonic thought, maybe...my life isn't over...though I'm not gonna be the same as I was way before this...I am caring and sweet... the sunsets in the sky as Sonic and Knuckles kissed underneath the sunset over the garden. to this day the newlywed Sonic and Knuckles have been living together as husband and wife as the newest millionaire newlyweds living peacefully. Both Sonic and Knuckles sat in the garden still in their wedding clothes Sonic and Knuckles kissed inside the garden as the sun lights up the day and the flowers are in bloom.



Hi everyone hope you enjoy the story...but don't worry they're will be more Sonknux stories coming up soon...have a super awesome and lovely day. <3

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