Chapter 6 - a painful and upsetting moment

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<the Funeral>

Sonic felt so heartbroken as he cried while looking at the closed coffin... Sonic thought in sadness and anger as he covered his face and sobbed, THIS IS ALL THEIR FAULT!!!...TAILS WOULD BE ALIVE IF IT WASN'T FOR THEM!!!!...I HATE THEM!!...I WANT NOTHING TO DO WITH THEM AGAIN!!!...I...I NEVER WANTED TO SEE THEM AGAIN!!! The servants were sad but did whatever they can to be there for him. Knuckles sat close to Sonic comforting him as he whispered, hey...Sonic it's okay...*stroking his back gently as Sonic cried silently.* it was just an accident...I know you blame yourself...don't....Sonic it wasn't your fault... Tim said, look just because your sad it doesn't mean you haft to change.. Evan said as he hit him, TIM NOW IS NOT THE TIME!!!...*looks at Sonic sadly* Sonic...I'm terribly sorry... Sonic screamed in tears as he pushes Knuckles away, I DON'T WANT TO BE THE SAME HEDGEHOG ANYMORE!!!...I'M NEVER GONNA BE THE SAME AGAIN!!!...I...I NEVER EVER WANT TO TALK TO ANYONE AGAIN!!...I'M JUST GONNA WORK AS A MAUD AND THAT IS FINAL!!!....I NEVER EVER WANT TO BE FREE AGAIN!!!...I'll just be living my a maid...nothing more... Erica and the others gasped in shock and sadness as Sonic ran away crying...Knuckles ran out after him... Erica said as she looks at the coffin, I'm terribly sorry for all this Tails...I know you maybe furious for what they did to you...I'm so sorry Tails...they did this to him...I just know it... Evan said, I can't believe you said that Tim... Tim said, I'm sorry...I didn't mean to ho... Evan interrupted, SHUT UP TIM!!! Silver yelled, WILL YOU ALL STOP IT ALREADY?!...*sighs* this isn't the time to fight guys. Meanwhile outside Sonic felt like a failure as he sobbed on the sidewalk... a moment later... Knuckles sat beside him and said as he pulled him close, Sonic...I... Sonic couldn't talk to anyone and look at everyone at the same time as he felt Knuckles arms around him.

<the Burial>

Sonic couldn't look at anybody but a fully buried grave... only a few servants left as the sky turn to grey and raining a little... only two (Erica and Evan) stayed with Sonic...Knuckles couldn't leave him for a minute... Sonic sobbed thinking he was alone... despite the face that the servants and Knuckles standing beside him... Sonics eyes were lifeless-like and clouded with sadness staring at the spot Tails is buried... Knuckles picked up Sonic who was still sad and paralyzed as if turn to stone and feeling eternal guilt... Knuckles even let his head rest on his shoulder underneath the umbrella The rain poured down as the two and Knuckles walked off with Sonic in his arms. The blue hedgehog couldn't get his heart fixed anymore...behind his eyes are sad and emotionless eyes...and the coolest guy around and the confident hero of mobius...was gone. Knuckles couldn't blame him for what happened. When they reached the chariot. The servants drove it but Sonic was inside with Knuckles. The drive there was silent no talking or laughing just....silence and isolation. Knuckles did what he could to comfort Sonic but failed to get him to look at him. When they reached the mansion Knuckles puts Sonic down as the other two servants walked in slowly. The blue hedgehog emotionlessly walked off without saying a word. Tim said in guilt, this is all my fault...I...I made him even worse. Silver said, just shut up for once Tim...we've done enough. Tim couldn't say anything anymore as they felt their once awesome friend walk away. Sonic went to his room and cried softly to sleep.

<4 months later>

Sonic was the same as when Tails died as he cleaned and the rest of his normal routine since the day he started working. Though the servants try to cheer him up nothing helped. Erica and her brother Evan were worried about him but outta everyone Knuckles was more worried than anyone. when they went out for lunch Sonic turn that offer down. Evan said, but why Sonic? haft to... Sonic shook his head slowly and said sadly, I'm sorry Evan...I know your worried and all like the others...but I'll just eat a slice of plain bread and soup....I'm sorry *he walks off sadly* Silver said to Erica, hey can't we do something about this Erica?...we can't just leave him alone like this? Erica said, no...we need to give it some time... Evan said, I suppose...but it's been four months since Tails died and he's...he's just not lighting up... Tim said, you know your brothers right we haft to do something. Erica said, we can't...we did everything we could to help him...but nothing helped...he couldn't even show his face anymore...he can only go out when the master tells him to get some groceries for dinner...he feels empty and sad inside...the master has to do this on his own I'm afraid. Silver said as the rest of the servants looked down knowing she had a point, then...what can we do? Erica replied, the only thing we can to watch over him silently like the friends he needed....*sighs*. Evan said sadly, sis...I... Erica said, I know too... the servants walked out. That's when Amy, Blaze, Manic, Sonia, and Sally walked in with guilty and sad looks on their faces. Evan glared at them and said, whaddya want?...come by to see how life really is? Sally said, actually we came to apologize to Sonic. Evan said angrily, well too bad toots...he doesn't want anything to do with any of guys just go or we'll kick you all out...besides Sonic doesn't want to talk to or see anyone. Manic said, is this some kinda joke?...just because we were being unreasonable to him and just because we couldn't understand his childish reasons doesn't mean we're leaving him. Evan said as he brutally pushed him, well I don't care...your leaving whether you like it or not... Sally said, but why?...why can't we see him? Erica whispered to her, he's not the same anymore...Tails's too late now Sal... Sally's eyes widened and said a she looked at Erica,*Erica nodded sadly*...I'm so sorry... Erica said, don't worry about it Sal... Sally replied sadly, okay...were leaving... Sonia said in shock, WHAT WHY?! Blaze heard what she said as she walked with Sally and said, *sadly sighs* we're leaving...we can't bother him anymore... Amy said, we're not leaving without saying seeing him. Sally glared at them as Blaze said, you listen here...he just buried Tails four months ago...and you all think we can just go in and make sure he's okay?...obviously we can't...both of us are leaving and if you wanna stay and get yelled at then don't say we didn't warn you... both girls left the mansion as Amy grunted in satisfaction. But that's when Sonia said, hey...where's Manic? a moment later they see Manic being pushed brutally with a clean cut on his face with a swollen cheek as they heard Sonic shout in a sad and angered tone, STAY AWAY FROM ME YOU IDIOT!!!... Manic said frightened, S..S..Sonic please I just wan...*trails off as he sees the anger and sadness in him...he sees tears streaming down his face as he sees the two girls standing in horror* Sonic throws a stone at him and screams in tears, YOU ALL CAME TO GLOAT!!!...I KNOW IT!!!...ARE YOU HAPPY NOW?!...WELL?!...WELL?!...JUST LEAVE AND DO NOT COME BACK AGAIN YOU IDIOTS!!! Amy said, Sonic are you okay?...*she runs to him* look I'm sorry that I...AHH!!...*slapped right across the face* Sonic shouted as he slaps her and pushed her away from him, YOU LEAVE ME ALONE YOU STUPID STUPID GIRL!!!...I DO NOT WANNA HEAR YOUR PROUD COMMENTS OR ANYTHING!!! Sonia said, Sonic Hedgehog you better calm down and listen...*Sonia walks to him angrily but was horrified as Sonic punches her in the stomach and kicks her away* Sonic shouted in more tears, ALL OF YOU JUST STAY AWAY FORM ME!!!...PEAVE ME ALONE YOU IDIOT SLOBS!!! Manic said, S..S..Sonic...I...I... Sonic screamed sadly and angered, SHUT UP!!!....I SAID LEAVE ME ALONE!!!...IN FACT LEAVE NOW!!!...GET OUT!!!...GGGGEEETTTT OOOUUUTTTT!!!! Horrified they left. Blaze and Sally were standing outside waiting. Sally said as she sees Amy and Sonia and Manic in fear, I told you he will yell at all shoulda listened... Manic thought, I never knew how upset Sonic really was a mistake to turn him away...and...*trails off as he runs off* Amy and Sonia walked off with Sally and Blaze as they felt the shame and despair. Sonic just got back to cleaning. Everyday Manic goes back and tries to reason with Sonic but his brother turns him away... Manic day there with his hands over his face. Evan said, you's not gonna help matter what he's not gonna listen to ya...he's just gonna turn you away... Manic said, I don't care how much he beats me up Evan...he's my brother...and your asking me to leave him alone? Evan said, you need to accept it all did this to him...besides...he doesn't want anything to do with us either...and I called your friends...Shawn said to wait in the park for the need to get away from here before Sonic sees you.. Manic said in anger as he stood up, BUT THATS MY BROTHER IN THERE UPSET!!!...AND YOUR ASKING ME TO LEAVE HIM LIKE THIS?! Evan said, look I'm sorry Manic but....he's not gonna forgive you or the others for what you all did...he's not gonna be the same anymore...*puts a hand on his shoulder* look...I know you feel guilty and you feel bad for him because of Tails death and what you and Sonia said to him that day....but...Sonic isn't gonna be the same no matter what.... Knuckles heard their conversation clearly... it was bad enough Rouge left him for Shadow...and his formal party is tomorrow night...but seeing Sonic like this he needed to think of something...that's when Knuckles got an idea that will change everything for the both of them.

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