Chapter 11 - the party

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When they arrived they see a lot of people Sonic couldn't recognize although he took Knuckles hand and stayed close to him as possible. Knuckles said, look I know your a bit uncomfortable but we'll go for chi.... Sonic interrupted, in case you didn't know....I'm been used to eating sandwiches, sausage and green tea-rice curry, salads, tomato soup, hazelnut soup, and seafood...most of the seafood I ate was just shrimp, sliced and fried anchovies, I barely eat clam chowder but that's only when I get upset, and I even ate fried salmon... what I drink is nothing but tea, sweet tea, and mostly
green tea... Knuckles confused and concern said, when did you go out on a diet? Sonic replied, w..well...I've been getting fat lately...and...trying to...change Knuckles replied, okkaaayyy...
But listen....I know your nervous but...*takes his hand* I will help you trust me... Sonic stayed quiet for only two hours after they arrived at the party... Knuckles felt his heart racing as he noticed how slow Sonic is eating... Knuckles sees Rouge with Shadow. Knuckles said in order to break the silence as he took his hand, hey...Sonic... Sonic could feel ashamed as he knew what was next but he couldn't mess this up.... but that's when Sonic ran off into the bathroom with regret in his heart. Knuckles checked up on him and said, are you okay?... Sonic shook his head and said, I...I can't do this Knuckles...I..I just can't...I'll...end up failing like I did...I'm nothing but a failure...I can't do it...not when... he fell on his knees and broke into sobs... Knuckles then grabbed his hand and said in a considerate and thoughtful tone, I understand how you feel Sonic...but your not gonna fail...I know've been doing good so far...listen...I may have know... Sonic got up and said as he held Knuckles hand, okay...b..but I...I wanna be with you and all but...I... Knuckles hugged him and said, I know Sonic...we maybe different but...that won't change the way I feel about you... Sonic and Knuckles kisses for one moment before getting back to the party... Sonic felt his heart pounding and thought, since I should be this way...I might as well do my best...I wouldn't be surprise if this was an engagement party... then about 15 minutes later it happened.

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