Chapter 8 - feelings for you

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Sonic woke up in his room and sat up as he whispered, oh...w..where am I?...l..l..last thing...I...I that Knuc...kles....told wh..why h..he's...*trails off as he gets up and works.* Sonic felt his heart speeding as he went to the garden.... Knuckles sees Sonic who was extremely nervous when his feelings for Knuckles comes around... Knuckles said as Sonic stopped shyly, oh Sonic...I see your awake...are you okay? Sonic hesitated and said nervously, I...I'm okay....j..just all....*sighs as he blushes* Knuckles said, hey...I don't know if you remember what I said but....after I fainted.... Sonic blushed and hesitated before slowly kissed him on the lips... when he broke the kiss he looked away from him and said nervously as he blushed a bright pink, I...I had f..feelings for b..before and Rouge...s..started couldn't deny a..anymore... Sonic walked off shyly as he looks at Knuckles walking off to the garden. Knuckles no doubt noticed Sonics heart was stronger than Rouge's...but he was timid and gentle... Sonic was trimming the hedges when he heard his brothers voice trembling in sadness and said, brother? Sonic turns and said, h..hello Man...Manic... Manic thought, did Sonic just....stutter?... his thoughts were cut off as Sonic said, l..look....I...I'm sorry....I...I was...j..just so angry...and s..sad the same time all... Manic said sadly, no...I'm sorry...I was a stupid fool...look we...okay only me...want to apologize for shutting you out and everything... Sonic said timidly, d..don't w..worry a..about it...I...I was f..foolish...l..look...I...I have work to do can't talk right now...we...we'll talk l..later.... Manic nodded his head and said, okay... Manic walks off as he thought, oh man what the heck have we done?...what have we done? Knuckles looked Sonic who was so timid and nervous cutting the hedges. Sonic whispered to himself as Knuckles walked toward him, oooohhhh's no wonder they call me a hedgehog. Knuckles said, hey Sonic?... Sonic said as he turned to him, s..sir?..*Knuckles rolled his eyes knowing Sonic couldn't be the same but is still in his manners as a maid should be.* can you with something? Knuckles said as he sighed, no Sonic. Sonic replied, I...I don't understa...*thunder rumbles as the rain began to pour down on them.* I don't know if my life is gonna get worse. Knuckles sighed and led Sonic inside as they got into the master bedroom once more Sonic just stood there timidly and silently. Sonic dripping wet felt very cold but yet he didn't mind. Knuckles thought as he looked at him concern, there's no doubt about it...he's changed...not just his appearance...but his...his personality as well...poor kid... Sonic said nervously, uhh....s..sir?...I...I don't know what you wa..want but...I..I'm guessing I...I'm not... Knuckles cuts him off with a kiss as Sonic blushed and gasped softly. He never knew what was gonna happen next as Knuckles looked at his sparkling eyes.

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