Chapter Four

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He sat on the bed, crossing his arms behind his head.

I was slightly distracted by how he could make anything look good. Just leaning back he made me feel hot, tingly. Patting the spot on the bed next to him he smiles beckoning me to him.

Slowly, and blushing, I walk over and sit on the edge of the bed. A part of me wants to jump on him and curl up in his chest. He just exudes this warmth and safety, it feels like when I'm with him nothing can go wrong.

"I want to be clear, I only know what I think happened."

He looks deeply into my eyes.

"A long time ago my world was at war not with another land or providence, but with a dark magic and the Bedlam who controlled it. Her only goal was to consume: life, power, even other worlds."

He clears his throat, moving a little closer to me.

"You have to understand my world has always been steeped in magic. It runs through the land and it's creature's. The only thing about magic is it depends on balance, balance between light and dark, good and evil, nature requires balance. Without it things go crazy, natural disasters, war, famine even disease.

The Bedlam upset the balance of power, she dabbled in magic that had been outlawed long ago because it corrodes everything it touches. This magic consumes and controls anyone who practices it, it's said was created by the god of death himself.

Once the magic started to consume her mind she was past saving. She attacked homes, villages, kingdoms no one was able to cut her down. She could stop your heart by looking at you, make legions of armies do her beckoning with a few whispered words, free will ceased to exist. After a while I guess this world ran out of things to entertain her or maybe the remaining resistance was proving to be more of a problem than she thought because she changed plans.

The Bedlam knew there were other world's out there ripe for the picking, so she created a spell that would allow her to cross over to one. It could only be done in certain points, weak spots between world's, she called them.

Through all this though there was one thing she hadn't considered. Our world was an anomaly in the universe, the lands of your planet held no magic. For beings of this world magic is a part of us as vital as air, without we wither and decay.

The Bedlam and her followers didn't know this, how could they? They assumed their magic was strong enough to keep them alive but it wasn't. Reports stated those who crossed over with her died a slow death. They decayed before their very eyes including the Bedlam."

I was completely lost by what he was telling me

"I don't want to be but offensive but what does this story have to do with me."

He smiles softly at me, a dimple winking out on his left cheek,

"Let me finish little one, the portal to your world was the first and only one ever made and everyone who went through died. The only reason we know this is because someone managed to crawl back through before the portal closed. The mans body was skeletal, he only lived minutes but he said he saw her die. There were rumors that the portal she opened never really closed, that it remained a weak spot between worlds. I think that's how you got here."

I stared at my feet as took all this in in shock.

"I'm sure you have questions.."

He waited for me to ask something but I can't even think about where to begin.

"Okay, okay, so your telling me magic, like hocus pocus is real? Witches are real?"

" Is it any harder to believe then you ending up in a different solar system."

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