Chapter Eight

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The days here are shorter than on Earth, whereas the nights are longer.

It took me a little while to notice this because it was a subtle time difference, a handful of hours here and there.

We made camp underneath the stars on thin bedrolls.

I stare at the moons and stars, taking in this new world. I'm so far home, so far from anything and everyone I've ever known.

It doesn't feel real sometimes.

Zev lays fast asleep on his own bedroll along with the rest of the camp. 

The urge to use the bathroom has kept sleep away from me and I don't want to wake Zev just to have him hear me pee with all his extra amazing senses. Standing up I quietly creep past Zev and some other soldier whose name I don't know. I'll just stay close and go quickly, he won't even notice I've gone.

I'm cloaked by the trees but can still make out the glow of the camp fire. When I start pulling down my pants but when I hear something rustle in the trees above my head I pause.


I don't know who I expect to be hanging out in the tree but when I get no response I pull up my pants and start speed walking back to the camp. I'll just suck it up and go in the morning, never mind my embarrassment.

Abruptly, a hand shoots out covering my mouth, so hard I can't scream. Only muffled yells come.out of my mouth. Grabbing at the forearm covering my mouth I try clawing at it rip it away but their to strong. My heart beat skyrockets as my breathing gets so heavy black spots appear before my eyes.


A man whispers in my ear dragging me deeper into the forest.

My legs kick and I claw at the arm but it makes no difference. Why am I always to weak to protect myself?

I start to wail, tears clogging my already restricted breathing as the glow of the camp fire slowly disappeares as does my hope of Zev hearing my struggle.

The man turns me around, pressing my back to a tree and I get my first look at him.

He's big like everyone here. I can't make out much of his features just a shaved head, pale skin and a Nightshade uniform.

One of the men from the troup then.

He holds me back, pressing his fore arm to my throat so only a small tricked of air seeps down to my lungs.

The tree bark cuts into my back dawing blood and his other hand has my mouth covered but I'm still whimpering softly. He takes his arm off my throat and begins tracing around my breast, this can't be happening just because I wanted to go to the bathroom.

I kick and scream desperate to get away from him as black dots dance around my eyes.

My first time can't be this.

Between his hand and my tears my face is a mess. I can't breath but the man doesn't care. He's going to kill me.

"You know you're very pretty, in a strange way."

His disgusting voice whispers in my ear as his hand squeezes my breast painfully.

"He keeps good eye on you huh?" He continues his one-sided conversation, "If I let go of your mouth you won't scream right?"

I nod my head agreeing with him, between the lack of air and tears I was going to pass out and God only knows what he would do then.

"If you do I'll smack you hard enough to do permanent damage, clear?"

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