Chapter Twenty-five

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Something isn't right.

Thea is sound asleep beside me and there's no noise coming from anywhere else in the shelter.

And that's the problem.

I heard Rhett all night moaning, breathing, every twitch and roll he made was easy enough to hear in this confined space. Now all I hear is Thea's mumbled dreams escaping through her lips.

I climb out of bed taking one glance at my fiery beauty and then treck down the hall. His injurys seemed to be healing last I checked so there's no way he died in his sleep. Thea wouldn't be able to handle it, hell even I'd feel guilty. Rhett was a good man who protected us both when he got the chance.

When I enter the living room it's exactly how I left it except no Rhett.

There's not a lot of places to hide here in fact the only place is the kitchen. I walk into the room and there he is, still as a statue staring at the bleak dirty walls. His clothes are torn and bloody but other then that he seems fine.

"Rhett, are you okay? Maybe you
u should sit down."

He stands there silently with no reaction to my words.


I place a hand on his shoulder, he jerks around swiftly and for a second his eyes appear red, with no irises, but just as quickly it's gone.

"I'm sorry," He smiles at me. "I-I must have been to deep in my thoughts. Where are we?"

Something uneasy tugs at my instincts but I push it away.

"Somewhere safe. It's better if you don't know the exact location. I don't know the extent of Mythic's powers. If you have a run in with her again this place could be compromised."

His head cocks to the side, "Of course, and where is my sister or is she being kept from me too because your fear of Mythic?"

I'm a little suprised by his abrasiveness. I just dragged his ass over two hours into the forest and I risked my mates safety. My wolf wants me to show him his place but I know Thea wouldn't be happy.

"My mate is asleep and since you seem to be just fine we're going to leave her be."

He smiles at me, "Very well, I can wait though we have much to discuss."

"Yeah I'm wondering how Mythic knew you were both Fae for starters."

"She was torturing me not answering my questions. You couldn't figure out where her information was coming from?"

I raise a skeptical eyebrow, "Well she says the underworld but I have a hard time wrapping my head around that."

"And why is that."

"It's unlikely she can communicate between worlds. It's more likely some low level spawn of hers followed us to the Fae kingdom and reported back."

"But who could get passed your senses?"

"There are ways to accomplish anything if your determined enough."

"That we can both agree on."

Our conversation dies after that. What more is there to say? I don't trust him it feels like he's gathering information.

"I'm going back to Thea there's no way out so sit tight till morning if you need food there's some in the kitchen."

When I turn my back he speaks again, "She's jumped right into bed with you, huh? Who knew she'd be into dogs. "

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