Chapter Eleven

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It was dark out but the cool air feels refreshing on my skin as I eagerly take in the fairy tale like garden around me.

Vines and flowers cling to white stones, climbing up the walls of tall archways and stone paths.

Zev hasn't said anything since we entered the garden, just looked at his feet kicking the occasional pebble that found it's way into his path.

"Let's stop here."

He sits on a small bench pulling me on to his lap. Squirming around until I'm comfy, his hands squeeze my hips holding me still.

"If you keep rubbing that plump little ass on my dick I'm going to bend you over this bench and show you what happens to little girls who tease me."

Oh, my goodness, "I-I Zev!" I yip as he bites my earlobe.

His excitement was growing underneath me, large and hard. It feels like fire under my skin wherever he touches.

He was just so much, so attractive, so undeniably kind, so dang near perfect. For some reason, I get a naughty thought, I want to tease him. Biting my lip I rub my hips into his erection, I want to make him feel as good as he makes me feel. His head falls forward, nipping and biting the same spot on my neck he always goes to.

"Gods almighty."

His voice is husky, roughly he jerks his hips up to meet mine making me mewl. My hands reach behind me twisting into his chocolate locks and no pulling hard. He moans onto my neck and his teeth scrape the skin of my neck harshly,


Suddenly I'm sitting next to him instead of on his lap.

How did he move me so quick? I pout crossing my arms.

"You need to know more about me before we go anymore, I don't want you to regret anything."

I put my hand on his "I would never regret anything, I promise.

He won't meet my eyes, he seems so anxious. I move closer, pressing against him. Running my fingers through his thick hair I try comforting him, I love when he played with my hair.

"T-take your t-time."

His big gray orbs meet mine and just stare at me, like he can see every thought and emotion bouncing around in my head. Kissing my cheek he asks me,

"Just don't runaway okay? Let me explain before you leave me. Please, little one."

Nothing could be that bad right. And what did he mean leave him, leave and go where?

Do what?

I have nothing. I've never had anything, no one tucked me in at night or came in to scare away the monsters before him. I couldn't leave him, I wouldn't.

"The first thing you need to know is I'm older than I appear." He lets out a humorless laugh, "A lot older."

"That's okay, maybe I like an older man." I tease giggling.

His eyes shoot to mine, flickering between black and gray, watching me laugh,

"How old would you say I am." He asks.


He lets out a deep belly laugh. "Your really bad at this my fae. I'm closer to 400."

His fae? He called me his. I felt warmth bloom inside of me. If I was his then he was mine, right? I don't mind that he's older. Age is just a numb- wait, my ears just caught up with my brain, did he say 400. My mouth falls open,

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