Chapter Ten

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⚠️Mature content ahead⚠️


"Why do they call you cursed."

Thea's small head rests on my chest as our legs sit intertwined. I had woken from my sleep awhile ago but I didn't realize she was awake. My hand stops while running through her hair, the bright red strands still tangled in between my fingers. She wouldn't be able to look at me if I told her why they call me cursed.

"It's very complicated."

A small frown mars her sweet face, her lower lip even sticks out slightly as she pouts unknowingly.

Gods her lips are plump, she looks sweet waiting for me in the bed with her messy hair. Her legs bare and her dress pushed up to her thighs.

"Y-you know" she says quietly, "that I trust you Zev. I-I mean you saved my life a few times now a-and I j-just-" she begins to hiccup her small form shaking as she grows upset.

I have no idea what to do. Was this because I won't tell her what they mean by 'cursed'. Did she think I didn't trust her?

"Little one calm down please and tell me what's wrong."

I draw her into my chest, cradling her head with one hand and rubbing her back with the other. Her small arms are around my waist, and she pushes into my chest, blushing sweetly as usual.

"I j-just want you t-to know that no matter what happened in your past I know you're good. You have to be y-you saved me and then you stayed with me here in this weird place. You kept me safe. I can never repay you for that."

Parts of her speech get muffled by my t-shirt where she's currently hiding her face but I caught most of it.

My wolf pushes at my skin hearing her praise, we want to please her. I put my hands on her hips and pick her up, setting her down so she's straddling me. Her wild red hair falls down to her waist in waves and curls as her chest rises and falls rapidly, brushing her breast against my chest.

I'm already throbbing at her closeness. A few inches more and she'll be sitting directly on my dick, the thought alone makes me even harder. I grab her by the back of the neck and pull her soft mouth to mine, kissing her hungrily.

I want to spread her legs and plant myself inside her, I need to be the only man that ever gets between those pretty little thighs. Her small teeth nip at my bottom lips causing me purr like a pup. I take control of the kiss and probe deeper into her mouth.

She starts withering in my lap and pulls herself up till she's sitting on my pulsing member. Her wet little hole presses against my cock causing my hips to arch into her. I suck on her tongue placing my hands on her hips and rocking her against me. I increased the pressure on her hips making her grind into me, she tears her mouth away from mine and lays her head on my chest panting as I trail my hand up her smooth thighs till I reach her panties.

My finger tips play with the band of her panties as I look down to see her amber eyes  hazy with lust. Her pink mouth is partially open, she's intoxicating. I wouldn't be surprised if she cursed me with an infatuation spell, I was completely obsessed with her and it's only been a week.

My little fae panted heavily on my neck, her warm breath washing over me as I trace a path to her sweet spot and began rubbing small circles over it. She so innocent that this alone is getting her off. Her back arches and she tightens her legs around my waist as she mewls like a kitten, calling out my name.

"Z-zev! Oh!"

Tiny plump lips from an O as her hips move sporadically seeking an orgasm on their own.

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