Chapter Nine

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The dark stained wood of the boat rocks underneath me, swaying softy like a cradle as the sun fights to begin it's day. Large ray's rise above a purple sky, we had arrived in the night Isles a few hours ago.

I press closer to Zev, his warmth fights off the cold sting of the morning air.

The Night Isles, where The Nightshade Kingdom was located, could only be reached by boat. The kingdom was connected through a series of canals. We sailed across blue-green water that filled the streets and spilled onto sidewalks made of smooth gray stone.

I can see small bridges and walkways connecting buildings and streets above my head. The buildings are tall, with winding peaked rooftops and windows that take up entire walls. It's a beautiful place but all I can focus on is my growing dread as we get closer and closer to the castle.

The boat begins to slow and pulling to the left as we enter a dark tunnel that's lined with small lamps that hold bright flames. They leave behind the scent of burning sugar. Zev wraps his arms around my waist, his finger tips resting just under my breast. Even in this situation, my heartbeat speeds up at his proximity.

"We're here."

Moss climbs up the walls but instead of being green it's an iridescent blue that gives the tunnel an ethereal glow.

Zev pulls my face to his, "When we arrive let me talk all you have to do is bow your head, acknowledge the Queen." He says rolling his eyes.

I push closer to him, wrapping my arms around his waist and burrowing into his chest.

"What will happen if they don't believe us?"

I was worried he would be hurt or killed for helping me.

"Save your fears little fae" His lips touch my forehead. "They won't do anything to you."

I didn't like that he only referred to me I wanted us to be thoughts are interrupted by Knowle tilting his head for us to follow him down the tunnel.


We walk for about half a mile before coming to a red door where another guard stands. He eyes me oddly, like I'm a talking a fish or something, before opening the red door. I'm about to step through the doorway when I'm yanked back into a large warm chest.

I peek up through my lashes to see Zev frowning at me, his arm tightens on my waist as he leans down and bites my earlobe, making me gasp. My face heats up at the same time my privates do. I'm slightly horrified, we were still in front of the guards.

"Stay behind me little one." He growls.

His lips trail down my neck before coming to rest on the curve of my back. I feel the sting of his teeth nipping at my throat before he starts showering the same spot with wet kisses. He inhales deeply, mumbling about me tasting 'good'.

"Zev w-what are d-doing!"

I whisper-yell slightly panicked, I can't stop my body from baring my neck to him even though were in front of at least three people.

I've been thinking his qualities could be described as animal like. The biting, sniffing, growling, all the dog comments from the Captain, and let's not forget he tore someone throat out with his teeth.

He's different from the people of this planet too, larger, more feral, I haven't seen any of them growl. I don't know what it could mean maybe he's some kind of sub species? Or was experimented on?

He's already insinuated there's something different about him and while I love being around him I'm scared of liking someone who's hiding a part of themselves. I'm on a different planet, A DIFFERENT PLANET! If I can handle that what could he tell me that would scare me?

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