Chapter Sixteen

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"The Naiad's land is spilt into two sections: The first portion is called The Edge, where we are now."

I listen closely to Zev as I take in the new provence. We've crossed thick forests, wild flower meadows and villegas to make it here.

Large cliffs with jagged rocks surround us from above and below reminding me of Scotland. There's patches of grass and flowers growing sporadically and I can see homes carved into the sides of the cliffs hundreds of feet from the ground.

The homes dangle over a stormy blue ocean one wrong step and you'd go right into the water. Staircases have also been carved out. They run up and down the sides of the cliffs connecting homes and leading all throughout the kingdom.

"Why aren't their any railings, someone could fall right into the ocean"

Zev wraps an arm around my waist tucking me into his side,

"The other half of The Naiad land sits on the ocean floor, an entire kingdom under the waves. They jump from their porches right into the city."

They lived underwater. That must be amazing a world occupied by Nymphs  an entire race unseen.

"So they can breath down there?"

He laughs, "Of course they can little one they're water nymphs, they prefer it down there. They come onto land for a few weeks at a time but eventually they must return to the ocean."

"Why do they bother coming on land at all."

He shrugs, "Mainly so they can be involved and aware of what happens up here, others mate with non aquatic life forms so they stay to be with their loved ones."

"And they don't get hurt, jumping from that high."

I look up at one porch the sun in my eyes, it's at least 30 feet from the sea. A straight drop into churning waters.

"Their bodies have to withstand the pressure at bottom of the ocean so their bones are incredibly strong almost impossible to break. Their very hard to kill actually, I admire that."

"That's amazing my planet is so boring compared to here. Everyone's just human, magic is the best!"

I jump up and down in his arms.

"I didn't realize you were so fond of it here that's good I was worried you would fight me on staying."

Staying? I smile to myself a little more.


Zev leads me to a winding staircase that leads down the side of one of the cliffs.

The steps are narrow and crumble a little with each step I take so I press myself as close the the wall as possible.

"Are we going to see the body."

I glance behind me at Zev.

"No first we go see a witch who may have some anwsers."

"Really!" I perk up, "I've never met a witch! What will she have answers to?"

"Hopefully, me"

The witches house, like all the others, sits carved into the stone cliffs. The stairs lead to a small wooden porch with high rails. There's a black door covered in symbols and letters I can't decipher. Zev knocks on the door then kisses the top of my head and pulls me closer. The door swings open to reveal a young, beautiful woman.

She has kinky grey hair she wears in a bun with a few rebellious strands shooting out. Her skin is smooth and dark while wide bright eyes dominate her face, but what's stops me is her ears. She has the ears of a cat, large grey pointed ears sit at each side of her head, twitching occasionally. She looks around Zev and stares directly at me. Smiling widely she shows off sharp white teeth,

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