Late night talks

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Keith's P.O.V

My eyes shoot open, wet with the tears that are threatening to pour down my face. I lay curled up in my bed hugging my knees to my chest as my black hair ruffles around my pillow and my skin covered by the soft fabrics of my blanket. I lay there doing nothing but slowly breathing. In and .....and out.  I had that stupid nightmare again, ever since the 'incident' I've been tortured every night, the flashbacks playing like a broken record in my brain, the bloodcurdling screams ringing in my ears still as vivid as ever.I stare at the roof trying desperately to go back to sleep despite the fact I knew I wouldn't be able too. After laying in bed for a while I come to agree with the fact I'm not sleeping anymore tonight. I slowing climb out of my bed, wincing at the coldness of the hard floor that rest under my feet. I began to put on my boots, fingers intertwining in the laces. I got up off the floor and began to make my way to the training deck, where I usually go whenever I couldn't sleep. The halls seemed darker now. The faint light of the galaxy outside was the only thing keeping the halls from being completely black the dead silence making it seem like something from a horror movie. I take my time walking down the halls, lost in thought, trying to distract myself from the flashbacks. I begin to fell the wet tears as they streamed downed my cheeks and dripped onto the white flooring below. I reach my hand up wiping away tears. The scar that still lingered on my hand brushing harshly across the pale skin of my face. I lean against the wall before falling onto the floor in a heap of tears. My sobs echoing down the corridor. I was so caught up in tears I didn't notice the sound of the door opening a few feet away or the  blue paladin who slowly emerged from it.

Lances P.O.V

I was awoken by the sound of a bang on the wall followed by sobs. I began to get out of bed and get my jacket, being as of how cold it was, shortly after I found it by a heap of magazines I made my way to the hallway. The door slides open and I step outside. My eyes widen in shock by what I'm seeing. The closed off, emo Keith aka my rival in a ball of cries on the floor of the hallway. I stand there for a minute pinching myself making sure I wasn't still asleep.  I wasn't. I make my way over to the red paladin, crouching down in front of him. "K-Keith? Buddy are y-what's up?" I ask, really Lance, what's up is that the best you could come up with? What's up? I think to my self. Keith looks up at my shocked, his violet eyes bloodshot and flooded by tears and his stained red. I reach my hand to his face and wipe away a tear while thinking to myself ' what the heck are you doing lance, this is Keith you rival!!!' He flinches at my sudden contact before relaxing his body, his eyes meet mine and we sit in silence for a bit before he quickly diverts his eyes, wiping away his leftover tears. "Oh, H-Hey Lance." He stutters his voice hoarse and quiet. Damn he's kinda cute.

Keith's P.O.V

"K-Keith? Buddy are y-what's up?" I hear a familiar voice ask me. I keep my vision directed to the floor,  no way will I let Lance see my cr- my thoughts are interrupted as I feel a soft hand rest on my cheek and a thumb gently wiped a tear away from under my eye. I jump at this sudden contact that I just felt. I look up my eyes becoming locked in the ocean blue eyes that were looking at me. 'His eyes are really pretty,' I think to myself 'wait no this is Lance his eyes are dumb, his face is dumb and his fluffy brown hair is dumb and-and those dumb lips I just wanna-' I quickly divert my eyes back to the floor. Hurry Keith he's staring, say something, I begin to panic "Oh, H-Hey Lance." Mentally face palming. I look up again to my surprise to see the Cuban boy in front on my with his mouth slightly open and with a light pink dusted across her cheeks. " Are you ok?" I ask completely forgetting whatever it was I was crying about. He shakes his head a bit before answering with " Yeah. Yeah I'm fine, are you?" I suddenly remember why I was crying. I feel as tears threaten to escape my eyes again. Nope scratch that I'm crying again, and info t of Lance. Great. I suddenly feel a pair of long arms wrap around me and soft fingers begin to twirl a strand of my hair, I hesitate a bit before placing my arms around the boys waist ,gripping onto the fabric of his jacket and nuzzling my face into the side of his neck letting the tears flow down my face. "Shhh, it's ok, I'm here." His voice was soft and comforting, maybe it was the fact that I was sleep deprived but something in that moment began to change my view on lance. With all this crying I grew incredibly tired and began to drift off. Completely forgetting about the fact I was in Lances arms and for the first time in a while I slept without nightmares.

Lances P.O.V

Holy quiznack. Is he asleep. In my arms. I guess the tables have turned. (Bonding moment reference) I scoop the him up being careful not to wake him, I lay him down on my bed, well tried to except for the fact he was clinging to me like a baby sloth, after a while I just give up and crawl into my bed with him, without thinking I kiss his forehead and begin to doze off. Goodnight Keith.

Authors note
Holy crap 1036 words. What did you think? This is my first Wattpad story so I hope you liked it. Thanks for reading and see y'all later-C

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