A party

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No ones POV

The day of the party arrive sooner than it felt possible. When Lance and Keith walked into the lounge as agreed two days earlier to see it covered in pictures, souvenirs and all kings of delicious looking foods. There were blue and red balloons tied to nearly every surface and a slide show of funny photos and videos. "Surprise!" The rest of the paladins shouted jumping out from there hiding spots. "Look we're really sorry about the other day." Pidge began. "And we also heard it was Keith's birthday so we thought hey why not through a party. Hey Keith u ok?" She trailed off as everyone's gazed focused on Keith who just stood staring in shock and looked as if he was going to cry. "No ones ever thrown me a party before." He whispered as happy tears trailed down his cheeks. "I guess I can forgive y'all as long as you never invade my space or assume shit again." Keith muttered. "I'm hungry. Let's eat!" Lance chimed in running straight (lol we all know that boi can't do anything straight) to the food table after everyone else nodded in agreement. "These are *nom* really good hunk." The blue paladin managed to say while scooping different foods into his mouth. "Thanks lance." Hunk awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm keeping this!" Keith shouted out while picking up a framed picture of him and Lance re enacting the bonding moment that Lance claimed to not remember. "K!" Pidge yelled back with a sly grin on her face as she always had the feeling the red boi would want it.

Keith's POV

This is really nice of them. I think while picking up another picture this time of all of us smiling in front of the lions and of corse lance giving Pidge bunny ears unaware she's doing them back. I picked the picture up and hung it right in the middle of the lounge. "Allura can we leave this one here?" I ask hoping she'll say yes. "Oh that's cute. Of course!" She smiles before walking over to talk to Shiro. I walk over to Lance as he attempts to shove as much cake in his face as he can. He tries to say hi but fails because of all the food in his gob. I laugh at this he looks really dumb. "You look ridiculous." I chuckle. "Hey!" He snaps after swallowing the cake. Wonder what else he can swallow. Ah not now gay thoughts. "You alright. You look kinda red?" He asks while tilting his head to the side. Fuck meeeee. "It's just not in here. I need a drink." I grab a cup and begin to sip on some juice-like stuff.

—timeskip till end of party—

"I'm gonna hit the hay. Night guys." Hunk yawns. "Me too night." Pidge adds on. Allura, Shiro and Coran all left for bed around an hour ago so now it was just Lance and I in the lounge. "That was fun." Lance yawns while putting his arm around my waist pulling me into him. "Yeah." I say while nuzzling my face into his chest. "Tired," I mumble as sleep starts to take over. I fall asleep while Lance carries me to my room bridal style. "Want me to stay again." He lays me down on my bed. I nod and he gets in too and becomes the big spoon. "Night babe." Is the last think I hear before I fade into a peaceful slumber.

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