Strawberry chapstick and candy

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Lance POV

"Lance I need to tell you something." His voice was shaking but somehow soothing. I look at him confused. I don't know what to expect at the moment I'm just shocked he's alive. "I umm. Okay lance I like you and I have ever since that night when you found me crying but I feel guilty for getting you injured back when we were fighting the garla and well I know you don't love me back so I want you to find a new red paladinbecause we prob- mnh" he was cut off as I smashed my lips into his. His lips were soft and tastes like strawberry chapstick and candy. The kiss was short but sweet. I pulled away to see him looking dumbstruck and red as the lion we were in. "Lance!" He shouts flusteredly and hides his face into the blanket shiro gave him. This earned him a small giggle. It's weird seeing him all fluster when he normally shows no emotions except his angry emo-ness.

This chapter is really short but deal with it. See y'all later bye.

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