Personal space? Ever heard of it?

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Keith's POV

"H-Hey Pidge," I hear lance stutter nervously. My head turns to see a giggling Pidge in the halls. "Morning gays ,uh, I mean guys." She laughs while walking away. I groan. Jeez she's annoying sometimes. We arrive last into the kitchen. Everyone stops talking and looks at lance and I with sly grins on there faces. "What?" Lance says totally oblivious. "Lance, Keith can I talk to you quickly." Shiro says pulling us out of the room before we can even reply. He shuts the door behind us before he starts to talk. "Recently you guys have become really close and I heard Pidge saw you both leave Keith's room this morning. Is there something you want to tell me?" He questions being the curious space dad he is. "Nope." Lance smiles while shaking his head. "Lance don't lie to me." Shiro pushes. "It's none of you business shiro." I speak up. "As the leader it kind of is. If you guys are 'doing it' you need to be protected properly." He replies back almost immediately still wearing his dumb smile. Don't get me wrong shiro is like my brother but sometimes he can be so annoying. "You know what?" I say earning confused looks. " I should be allowed a secret but no that doesn't happen when PEOPLE ARE NOSY,"I half shout the last bit while I pull open the door to reveal all the others with there ears pressed up against it are now falling onto the floor. "You wanna know? Fine. I like lance and he likes me but that's not the reason he was in my room last night. He was in there because I keep having sleep trauma and he was helping calm me down after waking up and having a breakdown. Which we agreed on hiding because I was crying and don't want y'all to see me as weak and we also didn't want you to worry about me and not the missions at hand. But no y'all have to be dirty minded shits and assume we 'did it' and shit like that. Well we didn't do that so fuck off and mind your own business and even if we did Lance and I are allowed to do what we want! We are 21 for fucks sake! Grow up! I hope you little fuckers are happy now cause I sure as hell ain't!" I screamed them instantly ran out of the room no shocked room. Leaving everyone with guilty and sorrowful looks painted on all their faces. Even Lance looked shocked.

Lances POV

"I hope your happy." I say coldly as I turn back to face them. "We're sorry." They meekly apologise. "Whatever." I brush them off and leave to find Keith.

No ones POV

The rest of the paladins stood there feeling extremely guilty. They didn't mean to hurt their friends. How would they fix this mess?

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