Party planning

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Lances POV

I wake up too see a sleeping keith snuggled into my chest. Cute. I think to myself. He groans as I try to move. "Mornin' beautiful." I say with flirtatious tone because it's fun when he gets all flustered. "Five more minutes." He mumbles. "We need to get up." I try to move again this time I do and Keith falls to the floor with a thump. "Ow." He groans while sitting up and rubbing the back of his head. "Sorry." I can't help but giggle at the sight of his bed hair. "Dick." He mutters. "Later." I wink causing him to go as red as his jacket. "T-that's not what I meant," he stutters causing me to laugh again. "I'm just teasing you hun." He death glares at me before getting himself off the floor. "Oh really?" He grins. I gulp as he crawls onto my lap. "That's a shame." He flirts causing me to go red as well "Keith." I moan followed by him bursting into laughter "I'm just teasing you hun." He mocks. "I hate you." "No you don't. You love me." He smiles while locking his tongue out like a little kid. "Come on I'm hungry." He grabs my hand and walks me out to the halls after checking if anyone was there. Thank god no one was in the kitchen apart from Shiro. "Morning." He says while chewing on some space goo. "Hey." Keith says blankly, letting go of my hand. "Everyone's out today." Shiro notifies us. "K." Keith grabs some bowls and begins to full them up with goo then sits at the table and hands me a plate. "Thanks." I smile at the sight of food. We skipped dinner last night so I was starving.

Allura POV

Thud. "Uhhh princess. I dropped one of the souvenirs. It's not broken. Much." Coran alerts from the room full of stuff. I sigh "it's okay Coran." I continue to search through the boxes until I see something familiar "awww I remember this day.

Flash back

"Catch!" Hunk shouts while throwing a weird ball thing to lance. Unfortunately hunk has bad aim and the ball smacked into Keith's face. "Hunk!" Keith yells waving his fist into the air. "Sorry." Hunk yelled back over lances laughs. "Shut it lance!" He snaps. "Make me." Keith begins to chase lance through the water only for Keith to fall face first into the waves causing lance to also fall over from laughter. Pidge on the other hand had been recording the whole thing with hunk standing awkwardly beside her. "Smile." I cheered before snapping a photo. Lance had his arm around an anger Keith that was splashing lance with water. Later they all went to a local shop and picked up some things the paladins called 'keychains.'

End of flashback

'That was a fun time' I thought to myself. "Coran I think we have enough stuff. Let's head back to the castle." I yell which Coran responds with an "Okay princess" and walking into the pod with a box of all kinds of bits and bobs.

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